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10 Traits Of Toxic Friends You Need To Avoid

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Friends, they say, should have your back at all times, but when all they do is stab it, then beware. There are warning signs to look out for, but not everyone is conscious of this. Some would rather manage their toxic friends but, in the long run, they would do more harm than good to you. If there’s any good they do in your life, then it’s from helping you to know the kind of friend you should never keep.


Humans have personality traits that may differ from one to the other. Some are just fine whereas others are toxic. For you, you may be aware of some of these toxic traits they possess from experience. However, there are a whole lot more you may not be aware of, and that’s where we come in.


No matter how much you try, you can’t see the signs on their forehead from the first ‘Hello’. There’s no conversation that goes in the order of, “Hi. I’m A, and I’m going to make your life miserable by talking behind your back.” If they do talk to you about someone else behind their back, then what are you waiting for? Run as fast as the wind takes you.


Although, if they seem perfect initially, time could reveal more about them which would help you do away with them. You know how spring cleaning works — you keep the good stuff and rid yourself of the toxic stuff. Now, it’s time to add that to your life. Keep the good and loyal friends but get rid of those toxic ‘friends.


10 traits of toxic friends you need to avoid



1. They make you feel bad about yourself.

You can never do right by them as they always find some sort of fault in what you do. They talk bad about you in front of others, even in your presence. Toxic friends could also laugh at your expense. Sure, they tell you they are just being a ‘good and honest’ friend, but what good does that do when all they make you feel is ‘bad’ about yourself?




2. Toxic friends are covetous

Whether it’s a person or a thing you have, they want it too. They are very eager to have what you have at all cost. This is why some toxic people end up stealing their friends’ boyfriends.

“As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.” — Greek Philosopher




3. They don’t celebrate with you

Rather than get in on the good news in your life, they either find fault with it or a reason to be absent. They treat your friendship like a competition and don’t feel good when something good happens to you.

4. Toxic friends lack empathy

Sure, you might be shedding blood, sweat and tears, but don’t expect them to sympathise with you.

“If you can empathise with someone, it’s because you have been in their place; you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” — Greek Pathos




5. They use you

Toxic friends tend to be like cats when they need your help. They become polite and nice or even manipulative just to get something from you. But don’t expect this to be reciprocated because they will never have your back.


6. They are great complainers

They complain about everything and everyone, and they are never happy or satisfied.




7. Toxic friends talk about you behind your back

There’s nothing new here, right? This is the first sign you need to walk away. If they can talk about other ‘friends’ with you, then they are probably doing the same thing to you. Be careful not to tell them private things about yourself because the walls don’t have ears – they just have a big mouth.


Friends, they say should have your back at all times but when all they do is stab it, then beware. There are warning signs to look out for but not everyone is consc


8. They keep scores

Whether it’s in a relationship with your boyfriend or just a friend, anyone who keeps scores is toxic. These kinds of people keep scores of past faults and bring it up every now and then to spite you.




9. Toxic friends thrive in conflict

When it comes to argument and conflict, you can always find them there. They tend to hear what they want and damn any other opinion.

“You can never win an argument with a negative person they only hear what suits them and listen only to respond.” — Michael P. Watson.


10. They are pessimists

The glass is never half full but always half empty with toxic people. They would eventually transfer their negative approach to life to you because misery loves company.


Now, don’t go watching all your friends like Sherlock Holmes (minus the magnifying glass). Just be aware that you should have good people on your team for your own personal well-being.

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