April 28 is the 118th day of the year (119th in leap years). 247 days remain until the end of the year. Find out some of the important events that occurred on this day in history.
Historical events
0357 — Constantius II visits Rome for the first time.
1282 — Villagers in Palermo lead a revolt against French rule in Sicily.
1611 — Establishment of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, the Catholic University of the Philippines, the oldest existing university in Asia and largest Catholic university in the world
1686 — The first volume of Isaac Newton’s “Principia Mathamatic” is published.
1758 — Founding father and fifth president of the United States James Monroe is born.

1896 — J.S. Duncan patents the Addressograph.
28th April in the 20th Century
1902 — A revolution breaks out in the Dominican Republic.
1902 — Using the ISO 8601 standard Year Zero definition for the Gregorian calendar preceded by the Julian calendar, the one billionth minute since the start of January 1 Year Zero occurs at 10:40 AM on this date.
1910 — Claude Grahame-White in England performs first night air flight.
1914 — W.H. Carrier patented the design of his air conditioner.
1916 — The British declared martial law throughout Ireland.
1919 — The League of Nations is founded.
1920 — Azerbaijan joins the USSR.
1923 — The British Empire Exhibition Stadium (or Empire Stadium) opened to the public.
1930 — The first organised night baseball game is played in Independence, Kansas.
1932 — The yellow fever vaccine for humans is announced.
1937 — Pan Am operates the first commercial flight across the Pacific.
1937 — Saddam Hussein is born.

1946 — The Allies indict Tojo with 55 counts of war crimes.
1947 — Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl and five others set out in a balsa wood craft known as Kon Tiki to prove that Peruvian Indians could have settled in Polynesia. The trip begins in Peru and takes 101 days to complete the crossing of the Pacific Ocean.
More dates
1953 — French troops evacuate northern Laos.
1962 — In the Sahara Desert of Algeria, a team led by Red Adair uses explosives to put out the well fire known as the Devil’s Cigarette Lighter. A pipe rupture caused the fire on November 6, 1961.
1965 — The U.S. Army and Marines invade the Dominican Republic to evacuate Americans.
1965 — Barbra Streisand stars on “My Name is Barbra” special on CBS.
1967 — Muhammad Ali refuses induction into the U.S. Army. They s***p him off his boxing title. He cites religious grounds for his refusal.

1969 — Charles de Gaulle resigns as president of France.
1985 — The largest sand castle in the world is completed near St. Petersburg, FL. It is four stories tall.
1988 — In Maui, HI, one flight attendant dies when the fuselage of a Boeing 737 rips open in mid-flight.
1989 — Mobil announces that they are divesting from South Africa because congressional restrictions are too costly.
1992 — The U.S. Agriculture Department unveils a pyramid-shaped recommended-diet chart.
1997 — A worldwide treaty to ban chemical weapons takes effect. Russia and other countries such as Iraq and North Korea do not sign.
28th April in the 21st Century
2001 — A Russian rocket launched from Central Asia with the first space tourist aboard. The crew consisted of California businessman Dennis Tito and two cosmonauts. The destination was the international space station.
2008 — India sets a world record when it sends 10 satellites into orbit from a single launch.