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“I Am Woman”: Read Supermodel Oluchi Onweagba-Orlandi’s Exclusive Article

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Oluchi Onweagba-Orlandi is an international supermodel and fashion icon. She grew up in the suburbs of Lagos with her two brothers and sisters.


The mother of two is a pioneer in the African fashion world. Her father who was a civil servant named her “Oluchi” meaning “God’s Work” in the Igbo language of Nigeria. Oluchi is an entrepreneur, businesswoman and a visionary. She embodies what it means to combine passion, talent and innate beauty.


Ever since the M-Net’s “Face of Africa”, Oluchi has become a force to reckon with. She is an inspiration to the youth, a change maker, pioneer and a figurehead in her industry.


Photo credit: Remi Adetiba


In the exclusive article, she said:

“I have always wondered what it truly means to be woman — not ‘a woman’ but ‘woman’. You don’t choose to be born female; you literally wake up one day and realise that you are. Often times, it is because growing up especially in Nigeria, there is a constant reminder of what you should do, how you should act, what you should think simply because you are not male. Little wonder that a lot of young girls grow up not knowing who they truly are because they have been moulded into these beings that have never really discovered their true essence or worth because culture and society have provided all the answers.


“My name is Oluchi Orlandi. You may know me as Oluchi Onweagba, [the] 1998 winner of the 1st MNet Face of Africa. Needless to say that after winning the competition, my life changed forever. But when I reflect as I tend to do, I realise that as much as I have enjoyed so much success and the stuff that dreams are made of on a global stage, one thing remains the same and that is being ‘woman’.


“I am definitely one of those people who believe that women have superpowers. Call it female instinct, the ability to multitask, the power to love and nurture deeply and all the other things that women are incredibly good at. I actually have far simpler ways of describing the phenomenon that is ‘woman’.


“I would say that the female superpowers are INTUITION, MATERNAL INSTINCT AND THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE. These powers distinguish and unify the female species all over the world, across skin colour, geography, income and status.



“Research shows that women have an enhanced ability to read facial expressions and emotions. A woman is more likely to pick up on subtle emotional messages like the tone of voice and body language much better than a man would. Sometimes I wonder if these enhanced abilities could be as a result of centuries of being domesticated and silenced as “less powerful” than men. Could it be that we developed this keen sense of observation from having to internalise our feelings for so long and having to figure out things on our own as we acted how we were supposed to and not the way we really felt?


“Let’s not allow ourselves to be robbed of its tremendous power simply because it is popularly scoffed at as it’s use is typically enhanced in relationships with men. I vote that we harness it, learn how to listen to it, and act when it’s speaking. It’s like a spiritual connection you can’t get anywhere else and the deep connection you have with your inner being.



“Blame it on the Oxytocin! Chemically speaking, the famous “feel good” hormone is one of the most powerful reasons for maternal behaviour. It plays a variety of roles in mammal reproduction, including pair bonding, womb contraction and the release of b****t milk.


“An orgasm, eye contact, hugs, soft touch—all these things release oxytocin,” says Bianca J. Marlin, a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University’s department of neuroscience. Can you imagine the quantities of Oxytocin released within the lifetime of the average woman? No wonder, we can easily nurture and care for everyone around us to the detriment of our own physical and mental wellbeing. This is not entirely a bad thing though; all we need to do is put ourselves at the top of our to-do lists every now and then – even when it feels strange.



“We create life, period! How is it that every month after a certain age, our bodies have the unique ability to prepare for a possible pregnancy? Being the super-efficient beings that we are, any month that a pregnancy doesn’t happen, we go through all the changes required to take the body back to a state where it is ready the next month for a possible pregnancy – on and on…and on our bodies go through this cycle and do this dance, solo when there is no sperm partner and in tandem when there is a sperm partner to dance with.


“The menstrual cycle is controlled by a complex orchestra of hormones. These hormones have been blamed for everything and so much more, rarely praised for the awesome job that they do for the proliferation of the human species.The menstrual cycle is where it all really begins for the average woman. You suddenly have so much more to worry about:

  • Is something wrong with me?
  • Why am I bleeding?
  • Am I going to get pregnant if I sit close to a boy?
  • Do I smell when I’m on my period?
  • Will boys still like me?
  • Am I still pretty with all this acne on my face?
  • Should I leave the house when I get my period?
  • Am I going to get stained?


A word of advice

“The questions and the concerns may change as you mature but some of them never go away. I have realised that if not handled properly by mothers, parents and caregivers, a young woman may suffer irreparable self-esteem issues around the time that she starts to have menstrual cycles.


“My advice? Let’s teach our young girls about what truly matters. Let us let them know that they are not alone. Taking over the world, sitting at the table, smashing glass ceilings and all of that is critical for them to see and know – but also teaching them to understand their uniqueness in its simplicity and entirety are lessons that we must also teach them. I have two sons and no daughters so I hope that I can directly impact and inspire others to impact more young girls and women so we have a truly empowered next generation of women.


“I’m a 38-year-old business woman, supermodel, wife and mother. I have learnt to trust my gut, put myself on the list of all the people that I nurture and care for. Most importantly, I celebrate my feminity in its raw and pure form. My name is Oluchi Onweagba-Orlandi founder of LuLu (LuLu Lingerie, LuLu Liner and LuLu Pads), and I AM WOMAN.


“Happy Women’s Month!”

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