Apple recently revealed it was having a film streaming platform. Despite expectations of a new phone earlier in the year, the mobile phone giants have been making shocking moves. It looks like they are doing very little phone explorations this year.
After other mobile phone giants like Huawei and Samsung revealed the latest trends of foldable phones earlier in the year, Apple seems to be very laid back about the technology. This is probably why: the tech giants are exploring vehicle making.
Apple reportedly calls the autonomous car initiative “Project Titan.” It seems the new patent will involve a mix of artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Confirmed by Apple CEO Tim Cook in 2017, the project is as “the mother of all A.I. projects.”
The new hires by Apple have sparked a lot of predictions. They include top Tesla engineer Michael Schwekutsh and Tesla designer, Andrew Kim. Tesla is the one company that has been a household name when it comes to autonomous vehicles.
However, Apple fired some employees who were working on the autonomous car project. This move cast some doubts on the progress of the project.
Release dates
There are speculations that by 2023 to 2025, taxi-hailing companies like Uber and Taxify may introduce self-driving cars to major cities in the world. Apple should also be ready with Titan. Experts project that Apple could kick-off its own cab hailing service using the iOS Maps app.
The belief is that Apple’s Project Titan will not be about the sale of private vehicles. Rather, it will a ride-hailing service from the jump. This would mean consumers paying for the service as against buying an actual vehicle.
However, a self-driving car tech company owner believes that the price will range from 70,000 to 150,000 dollars. This is for the hardware and software package if Apple decides to sell for personal use.
Kevin Clark, CEO of self-driving car tech company Aptiv, told Insurance Journal he estimated the cost of a self-driving hardware and software package to range between $70,000 to $150,000.
Hardware, software or both
There are projections that Apple will work with a vehicle hardware company on the project. A German magazine also claims that the Project Titan engineers have made a car design that mimics the industrial design of the iPhone. After this new information, it is projected that Apple will be developing a portion of the hardware but will focus majorly on software production.