Google has announced new and updated features coming to its Pixel phones. For instance, Snapchat’s lock screen shortcut is coming, after the company announced its “Quick Tap to Snap” recently. Users can double-tap the back of their phone to open Snapchat super fast.
The Pixel 4A 5G and newer Pixel phones will have the functionality. Google also says that its “Pixel Face” is coming this month.
Google also made announcements for other features, its ultra-wideband feature in its 6 Pro phones have an update. The tech company says with this update, the Pixel 6 Pro can send files to other ultra-wideband devices using Nearby Share.
Other Ultra-wideband chips can be found on compatible Apple and Samsung phones. This is majorly used for tracking devices around them, and locating the exact points of these devices.
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Google partnered with Snapchat to quickly access the App’s camera. Users can now quickly tap on the back of the phone, which Snapchat says it’s the fastest way to make a snap. The company even calls the Pixel 6, “the fastest phone to make a Snap” thanks to Quick Tap to Snap Feature.
The Recorder app for Pixel now supports more languages for automatic transcribing, French, Japanese and German are now available for the Pixel 3 and newer. Google says that these new features will be available “in the next few weeks.”
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