Someone once asked why they hardly find children playing outside anymore. It is obvious that things have changed from those days when we were young and made food with sand. We played all sorts of made-up games like Mr Macaroni, When will you marry? and Ten-ten. A decade later, children would rather sit in front of the television watching Disney XD or playing video games. Babies now have personal tablets filled with “Baby Shark” renditions. Technology has taken over play and now learning.
The days of always having paper and textbook assignments are long gone. Children now have computer-based projects from the early years of school learning. They are now better prepared for higher learning. They are working on internet researches and learning to use Microsoft tools. This means that teachers from a different generation are better equipped and ready to take the generation in strides.
Teachers are also more comfortable and ready for the introduction of new technology in the classroom. After all, it will mean more professional development for them too. More technology tools are getting introduced to the classroom now. Digital tools now let students connect with new topics and help them be more creative.
Google Docs is a useful tool some teachers say they find useful in and out of the classroom. It gives them a clearer, easier and more transparent way to track assignments. Some of these basic tools will then become a handy tool for future employability.
Tech vs tradition
There are arguments that because laptops are allowed in the classrooms, a lot of students will lose the ability to do traditional writing with pen and paper. This, however, does not seem like a valid argument to the lovers of technology. Some even argue it will distract students as they can easily wander off into the world of technology on the laptops. But lecturers have realised that laptops can mean faster learning. Students can quickly download learning materials on demand. They can then organise their future studying and assignments, all in the same place.
In a more advanced classroom setting, virtual learning is now a thing. Instead of converging in one place, technology has been kind enough to help us learn every and anywhere. Classes can now hold on the internet with everyone connecting to the teacher, and readily access course materials on their devices. People with disability can benefit from this so that they can learn at their own pace with readily accessible materials.
With technology helping with research and collaboration, students can now rub minds with one another. It has enhanced peer learning, mentoring and group assignments. The ability to set up groups to discuss ideas can birth even greater ones. Projectors mean teachers can reach a larger class of students, unlike class boards.
However, teaching experts have said that technology should not take the place of traditional writing, lectures and tests. They think the combination of both will allow for better and more effective learning.