“Ijakumo: The Born-Again Stripper” premiered in Cinemas nationwide in December 2022. The film features an array of top celebritries such as Toyin Abraham Ajeyemi, Kunle Remi, Bimbo Akintola, Lilian Afegabi, Eso Dike, Tomiwa Tegbe, Kola Ajeyemi, Antar Laniyan, and Okusanya Lolade.
The movie primarily revolves around Asabi and Jide. Olajide (Kunle Remi), despite being a pastor in charge of one of the nation’s most prominent churches, finds himself living in sin and being a member of a secret organisation, called The Syndicate.
Due to a traumatic event Jide caused for Asabi (Toyin Abraham Ajeyemi), she is out to seek revenge by ruining his reputation. To properly execute her plan, she recruits the help of Sharon (Okusanya Lolade), a stripper at a club.
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Let’s begin with the soundtrack. Most of the songs used in the film sounded original, which is very promising. This helps promote local talents, gives the film an authentic feel, and could yield effective marketing results.
Kudos to the stunt coordinator of “Ijakumo: The Born-Again Stripper” as action sequences carried more weight, making them seem more believable. The fight scenes were fun to watch and testified to Nollywood’s growth.
Kunle Remi is an extraordinary actor who continues to wow us with his performance. This being said, his taking on the role of a pastor seems like it was not the best casting choice. He lacked the charisma and mannerism to bring the character to life.
Scripting is a significant issue in this movie. The entire storyline, dialogue, and action felt flat. And it doesn’t help that the film’s producers didn’t adhere to the “show, don’t tell” rule.
“Where is this plot headed?” When you feel the stakes will be higher, they suddenly drop. The movie needed a stronger structure.
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