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12 Easy Body And Mind Yoga Poses For Beginners

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The body and mind deserve a day off to recuperate. With many established ways to achieve this, there’s actually no reason to submit to frequent gloomy days. From the park to the movies or the beach, the options are endlessly proven to produce positive results.


Finding your happy place can be the best feeling, especially when the going gets tough. While some choose from an endless list of rejuvenating activities, others see fitness as an activity of tranquillity.


What are the odds that the tribe of fitness programs that result in sore muscles can be a relaxation technique? Well, it takes a trial to understand. One fitness activity that has become a trend these days is the now-embraced Yoga.


From one asana (pose) to the other, it’s no surprise that even fitness phobics have accepted this as a go-to fitness program. Why? Well, it’s because there are provisions for Yoga Beginners.


Easy body and mind yoga poses for beginners



There are some poses that range from the basic yoga poses to the more advanced ones. With a choice to start with baby poses before going to the higher one, it’s practically like an institution.


For yoga beginners who have never tried yoga or are still in the baby pose stage, this is one yoga course you do not want to miss.


1. Meditation pose


Want to kick-start your way into the yoga world? Then begin with the meditation course. To get more at peace with your mind, try focussing on your breath. You can take any position that suits you in this sitting position. Simply have your knees bend towards the ground and legs crossed. Engage.


2. Cat pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

To achieve this, place your hands shoulder width apart, and knees hip-width apart from each other. Press your fingers into the mat as you exhale into the cat pose with your spine towards the ceiling.


3. Cow pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

Achieve this by placing your hands shoulder-width apart, and knees hip-width apart from each other. Press your fingers into the mat as you inhale into a cow Pose with your belly facing the mat.


4. Mountain pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

To achieve this pose, roll your shoulders backwards to keep your spine straight. Set your feet four inches apart in a nice standing pose and send your weight evenly down to your feet. Spread your hands beside your hips with your fingers spread, inhale gradually and hold for 10 seconds before you release.


5. Tree pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

Achieve this by beginning in a standing position. Then place one foot on the standing leg – you can place it on the thigh, shin or ankle – and keep your hands together in a prayer pose. With your eyes closed and a deep and slow inhale and exhale, you’re on your way to strengthening your balance skill.


6. Downward pedi-pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

Begin with a standing position, then bend forward as far as you can go. Try to get your chest to rest on your thighs. Bend your knee if needed, but try to keep your leg straight and your feet pressed into your mat. Good luck!


7. Cobra pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

For the cobra pose, lie down on your abdomen and place your hands palm down on the ground beneath your shoulders. Engage your abdominals as you lift your chest off the ground by straightening your arms.


8. Camel pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

To come into the camel pose, kneel on your mat and place both hands on your hips. Your knees should be the same distance apart from each other as your hips, and your legs should be parallel. Tuck your chin in slightly, and then try to lengthen your tailbone towards the floor.


9. Plank pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

You can achieve this popular plank pose in different ways, either sideways, backwards or forward. It helps to tighten your body muscles as it engages your whole body. To achieve this, lay flat on your chest and place your palms shoulder-width apart beside your face. After a deep inhale, pull away from the mat and exhale in the process. Hold for as long as you can.


10. Bound angle pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

From a meditation pose, push your knees further apart until the feet join at the centre. You can support this pose by holding your feet with one or both hands. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.


11. Cat nap pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

Now, don’t go snoozing on me! This pose helps to keep your entire body relaxed enough for a long rest. To achieve this, begin from a kneeling position and sit on your leg slowly. Then lean forward with your arm spread forward or sideways. Exhale into the position.


12. Wall sit pose

Image: Ashley Britton/SheKnows

To get that blood circulation, get your feet above your head. Achieve this with the aid of a wall as illustrated in the image below.


Are you ready?

Now, don’t be scared because you need not leap too far ahead. All it takes is a bit of commitment from you and a willingness to explore how far your body can take you. The journey may begin with a throbbing pain here and there, but that’s when you know you’re actually exceeding your expectations.

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