Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, recently created a ‘sleep box’ for his wife, Priscilla Chan. It lets her know when their children are likely to wake up.
Chan said she found that her sleep had been impacted by checking the time when the children were likely to wake up. Zuckerberg then built a wooden box that gently lets her know when it’s time to get up.
The box sits on her nightstand and emits a soft glow between 6 am and 7 am. That is the time when their daughters usually wake up. The light is apparently bright enough to visibly alert her to the time and let her know that they need to go and check on the children. But it is also faint enough to not disturb her sleep.
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Zuckerberg suggested that this was a great idea for other entrepreneurs to develop and create more sleep boxes. He has a podcast with more information on this.