Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh is more than ready to reveal all the juicy details about her marriage. In a new interview with Plus TV Africa, she talks about all that really transpired in her marriage with ex-husband Olakunle Churchill.
Tonto Dikeh explains the reason behind her decision to do the interview. “I am doing this because I want to clarify a lot of things,” she explained.
The pair of them have been at odd ends with each other. Both parties have publicly expressed how they feel about each other on social media with several accusations and counter-accusations.
“This man said we did not have a wedding. When I can prove to you that we had over two hundred people in attendance,” she says.
In the interview, she talks about suffering domestic violence, alleged lies from her ex-husband, his alleged involvement with internet fraud and more.
“The first day I met him, he told me he was Obasanjo’s son. His father was a gardener for Obasanjo,” the actress reveals.
Also, she revealed that the pregnancy, which led to the birth of her son, King, was something she never wanted to keep. She added, “My problem is you don’t do s**t for your son. So don’t discredit the woman who does it.”
She made all of this known to Plus TV Africa.
Watch the teaser below
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