America is proposing a bill that will require online sellers and app developers post their countries of origin. US Senator Rick Scott suggested a bill that will make online retailers list every product’s country of origin. This comes in the wake of the controversy around the Russian photo app, FaceApp.
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In his statement, Scott said,
“There are nations around the world, like China, that are trying to compete with America. By buying products made by our adversaries, we are sending them money without a second thought.”
The new act has been penned as the PRIME Act. In full, it means ‘The Promoting Responsibility in Markets and E-Retailers Act of 2019.’ The act will apply to “any internet website or any other online platform through which products are sold.”
It means when sites like Amazon sells a product, the seller would need to provide their country of origin. The retailer will also need to list the country in an obvious way and in the same language as is on the rest.
Declare your origin!
A section of the act will require app stores to provide more information about the apps too. An app developer will need to list their nationality when putting its app on app stores. The stores will need to make public the nationality of the publisher and the nationalities of parent companies too if there are any. The regulator will also mete out punishments to app developers who provide false information.
The Federal Trade Commission in America will now have the authority to punish offenders who refuse to disclose their origin. The bill may also go into effect if it’s passed in by early 2020. The idea is to treat online products like physical products. So the same way a product is labelled Made In China is the way it would be on online apps and products too.
This will hold the products of app developers products and also trace them to their country of origin. Some might argue that this fosters racism while others may believe it is a fair move. However, judging by the history of some countries with America, a revealed country of origin may mean the death on the arrival of some apps in America.