Recent reports suggest that Huawei was looking to release smart speakers. They were doing this in partnership with Google just before they had issues with the US government. The Google Assistant was to power Huawei’s home speakers.
***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***
Huawei and Google intended to announce the speakers at the Consumer Electronics Unlimited IFA conference in Berlin. The event is slated for 6th to 11th September 2019. Huawei also had plans to sell the device to US shoppers online.
The US president, Donald Trump imposed trade restrictions against Huawei in May. This caused the ongoing collaboration between the two tech giants to end abruptly.
Smart speaker manufacturers are constantly under fire because of privacy issues. Brands like Apple, Amazon and Google have had to deal with issues of handling sensitive data and the likes.
Increased reports say that employees in these companies listen to people in their homes. Apparently, they monitor the exchanges that people have with these devices to improve accuracy.
Inherently, if Huawei had followed through with these speakers it could have raised more concerns. The US government already accuses Huawei of spying on them for the Chinese government.
However, this means it wouldn’t have been a good look for them if they had released the speakers. The US may have escalated the possibility of Huawei spying with the device.
Meanwhile, Huawei is saying they are working on their own HongMeng operating system now. This follows the ban and the possibility of not getting access to Google’s Android OS for its phones.