Cardi B shared with her fans her experience with s*xual harassment during a photo shoot earlier in her career. She told her story in a new episode of an upcoming documentary, “Untold Stories of Hip Hop”. The show is airing on WE TV.
The unapologetically open rapper revealed in the first episode that a photographer s*xually harassed her during a photoshoot. According to her, she couldn’t believe that she was being harassed by the said photographer.
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She revealed that, at the shoot, the photographer came too close to her and pulled out his p*nis. He proceeded to say some lewd things to her, at which point she exited the venue. It didn’t end there as she revealed that even though she reported the incident to the editor of the magazine, his response shocked her.
Cardi B also said that she reported the harassment to the magazine owner. The magazine owner responded in a nonchalant manner, implying that he was not going to take up the issue.
This just goes to show how much society does not protect women, particularly women of colour, from perverted men. To add to that, the fact that the magazine owner did not care enough to call the photographer out on his action is a testament to how men encourage and protect the wrongdoing of those within their gender.
Watch a clip of the interview below: