WhatsApp recently announced on its blog that Android users can now unlock the app using the fingerprint sensor. The new feature was initially only available on iPhones which let users unlock with Touch ID and Face ID. It first debuted in February 2019.
This new feature provides you with one more layer of security when using the messenger by requiring you to scan your fingerprint before opening the app. It doesn’t matter if you already unlocked your phone.
Doing this, you won’t be able to open your WhatsApp until you scan your fingerprint.
However, you can still answer calls whether you locked or unlocked the app. The feature also allows you to choose whether WhatsApp will lock immediately, after one minute, or after 30 minutes. Finally, there is an option to show or hide content in your notifications.
The update doesn’t appear to be available in all regions just yet, but once it arrives, WhatsApp says you’ll be able to toggle on the extra security from within the app’s Privacy settings menu. There are options to let the app remain unlocked for one or 30 minutes after you unlock it, and there’s also a toggle to prevent the contents of your messages from appearing in notifications.
On iOS, the feature supports both Touch ID and Face ID. However, Android is limited to just fingerprint unlock since there’s no mention of face unlock in WhatsApp’s announcement.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messengers around the world, and one of the features it touts is privacy using end-to-end encryption. By adding Fingerprint lock, it now has one more layer of security to ensure your messages stay between you and the recipient, keeping prying eyes out of your business.