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Eight Things To Consider Before Getting A Pet

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You go to a pet store and think, “Oh this is cute; I want one.” But are you ready to get one? When buying a pet, you need to think of the future and not just the present.


There are certain things you need to consider when getting a pet. Take a look at some of them.


1. Can you commit?

Photo: Bustle


Getting a pet should never be something you do on impulse. You need to be sure that you can stay committed to taking care of the pet. Will you remember to feed it every day? Will you be able to take it out for a walk? If you want to go on holiday, do you have someone on standby to take care of your pet? You need to consider what level of commitment you are willing to have before paying money to get one.


2. Your apartment policy

a dog
Photo: Abodo


Does the apartment you live in have a policy against pets? This is one important thing to consider because you don’t want to get one and then realise your house does not permit the ownership of pets. That will be quite disheartening.


3. Can you afford it?

naira currency
Photo: Public finance international


In getting a pet, you need to consider the cost, both now and in the long run. You’ll need to buy toys, food, visit the veterinarian, and so on. You also need to make sure you will be able to afford the expenses that come with having a pet.


Imagine you get a pet, you go to work and come home to meet your house scattered with lots of things broken. Will you have enough money to bear the expenses?


4. Do you have enough space for a pet?

Photo: Urban stay


Do you have enough space to create a bed for your pet? If you’re getting a dog, do you have the space to build a dog house or something comfortable for it? You also need to have space to keep the pet’s food, toys and belongings.


5. Will a pet suit your lifestyle?

Photo: Bustle


Are you one that is out all day or most of the week? Are you one that is too lazy to cook for yourself talkless of someone or something else? Then you might want to reconsider. The pet will probably die from a lack of food. When it is sick, you might not even know because you are out all the time.


6. Are you ok with having less free time?

walking your pet


Whatever free time you might have during the week or weekend will probably go to training or playing with your pet. Are you okay with that? Animals love attention. They love to be played with, walked and fed on time. Are you willing to spend your free time fulfilling the needs of your pet?


Also read:
International Cat Day: Cats Are Taking Over Twitter
Dog Ownership And Genes: Owning A Dog Is Deeper Than You Think
This Bacteria Infection Your Dog May Carry Is Harmful To You


7. What are your allergies?

Photo: Mental floss


Some people have lots of allergies to things that have to do with pets. Some are allergic to the pets while others are allergic to animal food or something it does. You need to identify what pets or their counterparts you are allergic to before considering which one to buy. You do not want to bring a cat home and then discover that you have an allergy to what it eats or its furs.


8. Do you have a nearby veterinarian?

Photo: Career girls


A pet,  at one point, will fall sick or have to do some medical checkups. You need to make sure that you have an animal hospital around you that you can visit when necessary. You do not want a situation where you have to start driving around town looking for a hospital you can take it to. Worst-case scenario, it can die from delay in treatment, and that will be very heartbreaking.


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