Often times, people have complained that looking good is expensive. In essence, fashionable items that will stand you out are always on the high side. Well, who says you must wear brand new clothes when you can get good second-hand clothes?
Second-hand clothes, commonly called Okrika, are still in fashion and a lot of people are buying them to look good on a budget. Sometimes, people complain that second-hand clothes do not last, and as such decline from buying them.
So if you belong to this set of doubting Thomases, we have a few tips to help safeguard your second-hand clothes.
1. Do not use detergent
This is so important. Remember, they are not brand new, and the texture won’t be that strong anymore. So ensure you use the money you would have used to get new clothes to stock your locker with washing soap. Detergents will make the clothes fade easily, especially when it is coloured.
Also read:
Best Ways To Avoid Makeup Foundation Smudges On Your Clothes
Young People Are Making Money From Selling Old Clothes Using The Depop App
Six Budget-Friendly Tricks To Bring Spoiled Clothes Back To Life
2. Check out the texture before buying
If the texture is weak, do not buy. You won’t wear it for long before it starts tearing here and there. You don’t want to waste your money and then start getting angry later. If it seems very weak, and you like it, close your eyes, drop it and move on. It’s easier to miss it before you get attached.
3. Use your iron
This works like magic. Ironing not only straightens the cloth but also gives it a facelift. After washing, ensure to iron with a little heat, and you will see how that used cloth looks like a dress or shirt designed by a top stylist.
So stop breaking the bank to look good. Follow these simple steps and thank us later.
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