Dry or harmattan season is characterised by too much dust and cold. At some point, you begin to wonder if the last person that entered the heavens forgot to close the door when the air conditioner was on.
It’s the season where common cold, eye problems, pneumonia, catarrh, asthma, tonsillitis and bronchitis are most common. Staying healthy with so much dust and cold around you can be very tasking, especially if you are asthmatic or have allergies to cold or dust.
Here are some useful tips to help you stay healthy this season.
1. Avoid dust
It can get pretty dusty during harmattan. You wouldn’t like to keep sneezing non-stop because you inhaled dust somehow. Wear a facemask or tie a towel around your nostrils to reduce the amount of dust you inhale. If possible, close doors and windows to prevent dust from coming in, especially if you stay around areas with untarred roads or dusty areas.
2. Drink lots of fluid
It helps to stay hydrated this season. Fluids help you prevent dehydration, dry skin, cracked lips and dry eyes. Carry a bottle of water around you wherever you go so you always have water around you whenever you need to drink. You can also drink tea and fruit juice. Also, avoid soft drinks at all costs.
3. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits
When we say vegetables, we definitely don’t mean weed. Vegetables help to improve your immune system. Try adding vegetables to your meals this season. Also, try to eat enough fruits every day to complement your meals. This will help you maintain a healthy body during harmattan.
Also read:
How To Make Pepper Soup Suitable For The Harmattan Season
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4. Stay indoors
Harmattan is not the time to decide to take a stroll to view the scenery or go scouting for sweet agbalumo. Try as much as possible to stay indoors and keep warm.
5. Wear thick clothes to stay warm
The weather is especially cold and can cause you to catch the flu or a cold if you do not stay warm. Wear thick clothes to keep yourself warm. You can also wear socks, hand gloves and a head warmer to keep yourself warm.
6. Use moisturising lotion
Use a good moisturising lotion to keep your skin moist and smooth. It will help you avoid dry and crackling skin. Also, use a lip balm to prevent cracking and sores on your lips.
7. Asthmatic? Carry a Ventolin inhaler around
It’s the season where asthma attacks are most common. Keep your inhaler in your pockets, your bag and your car, not just your wardrobe. You never know how soon you might need it. The inhaler might just save your life.
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