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Simple Home Remedies To Soothe Sore Throat

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A sore throat is a painful, dry, or scratchy feeling in the throat. Its most common symptom is a pain in the throat.


Most sore throats are caused by infections, or by environmental factors like dry air. Although this condition can be uncomfortable, it usually goes away on its own.


Sore throats are divided into types, based on the part of the throat they affect:


Pharyngitis – affects the area right behind the mouth.


Tonsillitis – is swelling and redness of the tonsils, the soft tissue in the back of the mouth.


Laryngitis – is swelling and redness of the voice box or larynx.

Sore throat symptoms

Causes Of Sore Throat And Home Remedies To Soothe The Pain
Photo: Healthline

The symptoms of a sore throat can vary depending on what caused it. A sore throat can feel:

  • Scratchy


  • Burning


  • Dry


  • Tender


  • Irritated


  • It may hurt more when you swallow or talk.

Below are -home care remedies that can help you ease your symptoms:


Causes Of Sore Throat And Home Remedies To Soothe The Pain
Photo: Best Life

Get plenty of sleep. Rest your voice, too.

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Drink fluids

Causes Of Sore Throat And Home Remedies To Soothe The Pain

Fluids keep the throat moist and prevent dehydration. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you.


Try comforting foods and beverage. Warm liquids, broth, caffeine-free tea or warm water with honey and cold treats such as ice pops can soothe a sore throat.

Gargle with saltwater.

A saltwater gargle of 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (1.25 to 2.50 millilitres) of table salt to 4 to 8 ounces (120 to 240 millilitres) of warm water can help soothe a sore throat. Children older than 6 and adults can gargle the solution and then spit it out.

Humidify the air.

Use a cool-air humidifier to eliminate dry air that may further irritate a sore throat. Be sure to clean the humidifier regularly so it doesn’t grow mould or bacteria. Or sit for several minutes in a steamy bathroom.

Avoid irritants.

Keep your home free from cigarette smoke and cleaning products that can irritate the throat.


However, if the pain does not go away on its own after two to six days you might need to see a specialist who treats diseases of the throat, called an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor or otolaryngologist.


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