In December 2017, WhatsApp bade farewell to devices running on Blackberry OS, Blackberry 10 and Windows Phone 8.0 and older.
Just like that, people who used these devices were unable to use the app on their phones from the first day of 2018.
Now, WhatsApp says users with devices that have Android versions 2.3.7, older versions and iOS 7 and older will be will not be able to use the app from February 1, 2020.
Effective from January 1, 2019, the messaging platform already discontinued services on all Nokia Series 40 phones.
The app, which launched in 2019, is trying to adapt to the latest mobile phone versions.
They explained in a press release posted on their website last year that because they “will no longer actively develop for these platforms, some features may stop functioning at any time.”