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Cosmetic Surgeries: The Backstory

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The idea of getting into shape can be exhausting for some, constantly working out and not seeing the results. The results might come but not in the way they want it. Others experience a feeling of inadequacy while looking to match the images on TV. A more voluptuous body type will mostly get you all the likes on social media these days.

Several people are saving up for a full body reconstruction surgery as we speak, but is it really what you need? The way one looks half the time is a thing of the mind; it is more about how you see yourself than how you look.

There are a few things doctors will not tell you about a major weight loss surgery, be it a bit of liposuction or full on implant. Recovery can be tedious. Like other evasive body surgeries, different bodies react differently, and this technology advancement is not exactly at its peak yet.

The surgeries could go wrong. It is no news that a few plastic surgeries have ended up in huge disasters, from botch jobs going wrong to implants bursting.

According to historians, the types of plastic surgery and augmentation procedures we see today were already used by surgeons back in the early 1800s. Meanwhile, tools and techniques used in such surgeries have evolved dramatically over the past few decades, but the basics of such surgeries are still the same as in the 18th century.

In ancient India, there was a healer known as Sushruta who was arguably one of the first cosmetic surgeons in the world. His way of surgery involved grafting the skin with a small bridge of tissue. He explained the procedure in his book dated back to the 6th century BC.

Gradually, the techniques of plastic and cosmetic surgery became more refined and precise. However, such surgical procedures were categorised under standard therapeutic surgeries. In 1798, the term ‘plastic surgery’ was evolved from a Greek word developed by Pierre Desault of Greece. The word was ‘plastikos’.

The advent of anesthesia and antiseptics in the 19th century made plastic and cosmetic surgeries become safer and easier. The growth of this field occurred significantly during the World Wars when the techniques got more advanced in treating the wounds of people.

The procedures have since taken different routes and cosmetic surgeons also learned new ways to augment the b****t shape and size in women. In the 19th century, surgeons first performed the b****t enlargement procedure by using artificial implants made from rubber, paraffin, ivory, and glass. The first reconstructive b****t surgery was first done by Czerny in 1895. Later in 1903, Charles Miller introduced b****t augmentation surgery in the USA.

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