When people talk about respect in a relationship they talk about it in many ways. But what exactly is respect? Respect means that you recognize that your partner is a whole person and not just a way to get something that you want. It means that you know your partner has different experiences and opinions from you, and that’s ok.
It’s easy to say that you have respect for someone, but acting with respect can be a bit trickier. Just because you don’t physically harm your partner or call them names, does not mean that you are treating your partner with respect.
Here are six ways that you can show your partner respect.
1. Demonstrate trust
Trust is essential in any relationship, even non-romantic ones. But it means a lot more than believing that your partner won’t cheat on you.
You can demonstrate trust by not texting or calling your partner constantly. Leave a message saying that you’re thinking of them and that you hope to hear from them soon. This shows that you trust them to reach out to you when they can and that you know your partner appreciates your efforts.
This should go without saying, but don’t go through your partner’s phone or personal things without permission. If you have a weird feeling that they’re trying to hide something from you, talk to them about it. There’s no need to stir up drama if there’s nothing going on.
2. Be mindful of how you communicate
Communication is one of the most important parts of a relationship, and also one of the hardest. That’s because being open and honest with your partner means being open and honest with yourself.
Don’t expect your partner to be a mind reader. If you’re upset, it’s important to talk openly about what’s bothering you. Don’t be accusatory. Use “I” statements, for example, “I feel really ignored and unimportant when you cancel our plans at the last minute,” or “I feel annoyed when you keep asking me to hang out when you know I need to study. I really appreciate it when others respect my time.” Your emotions are always valid don’t feel bad for feeling what you feel.
Everyone disagrees sometimes, and that’s totally ok. When you do, don’t disappear or shut down communication. For the minimum, tell your partner that you’re upset and need some time to cool down and process your thoughts before you talk. This way they don’t feel like you’re disappearing on them, or ignoring their feelings. Validate your partner’s feelings by saying things like, “I understand why you feel that way,” or “I hear what you’re saying.”
3. Be reliable and accountable
A huge part of a relationship is dependent on trust, but how can you trust someone if they’re constantly cancelling plans or, even worse, lying?
When you make plans, follow through. Don’t say yes to dinner when you’re not sure you’ll be able to go to. Instead, be accountable. Keep a calendar and check it when you and your partner are making plans. Don’t say you’ll call and then don’t. Instead, set a reminder on your phone. Be dependable, respect your partner’s time and emotional energy. After all, it can be stressful to have your plans change constantly.
Of course, there will be times when you have no choice but to cancel. There’s a family emergency, you’re sick, you forgot about a big test that you have to study for. You shouldn’t feel guilty (or be made to feel guilty!) about these circumstances. But it can help a lot if you show you’re aware of the effect that those actions (whether they’re within your control or not) have on your partner. Apologise, offer to reschedule, and make sure you check in with them when you’re free.
Also read:
– Six Tips On How To Survive A Long-distanced Relationship
– Five Ways Bad Breath Can Be A Problem In Your Relationship
– Double Dating: A Sweet Experience Or Playing With Fire?
4. Encourage time apart
When you’re in a new relationship, you may be so excited that you want to spend all your time with your partner. That’s totally normal. But it can be easy to ignore the other important relationships in your life, like with your family and friends. No single person no matter how awesome they are can take care of all your social and emotional needs. And everyone needs a break from their significant other every once in a while. Spending time alone or with other people means that both of you can continue to grow as individuals. You can both bring new ideas and activities to your relationship, keeping it exciting and engaging. It also gives you both a chance to talk about your relationship with your friends and family.
5. Appreciate your differences
Don’t criticize your partner for their ideas or interests. You can disagree with someone and still respect their opinion. Part of what makes relationships awesome is the differences. Your partner can help you see the world from a new perspective, even if you don’t ultimately change your mind.
Accept your partner’s boundaries, even when they’re different from yours. If your partner doesn’t want to kiss in public or have s*x, don’t pressure them. This is coercive and potentially abusive.
6. Get to know yourself
In a relationship, you’re not just getting to know another person. You’re getting to know yourself better. Being in a relationship can help you figure out what you want and need from the people you’re close with. What are you willing to compromise on? Which qualities complement your own? What are the core values that you can’t compromise on? Get to know yourself as an individual and as a partner.
Knowing your personal boundaries makes it a lot easier to know when those boundaries have been crossed, and when you should end a relationship.
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