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Do You Know The Best Way To Wash Your Jeans?

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Certainly, you own at least a pair of jeans and have heard all there is to know about how to keep them clean. Some advise you to never ever attempt to wash them to save the dye. Others tell you to wash it for the love of hygiene. Luckily, we are 100% in support of the latter option.


You can get away with not washing your denim due to many factors. For the sake of this article, we’ll focus on your regular fancy jeans: the wardrobe staple everyone needs.


It’s true that washing your jeans the wrong way can make the dye fade away. Even worse, when you get a pair of jeans at a cut-throat price, the last thing you want is to kill them before their time. Besides, dark jeans look awesome and are one of the key wardrobe staples you need. So, it’s no wonder why you want to keep them looking that way.


However, what’s the point of looking awesome when you smell bad. The bacteria deposited in your pair of denim is what causes it to smell. These accumulate from your skin, environmental grime, dirt, natural body oil, and so on. That leads to the repugnant smell of your denim. Of course, there are hacks to keeping them odour-free for a while, but if you’re a hygiene freak like us, then you need to know these laundry tips.


There a number of ways you can wash your jeans, find out all there is to know for a good laundry day out below. You can also take a look at the best ways to style your own pair of jeans here.


The right way to wash your jeans

If you’ve been washing your jeans, and still get a weird smell or a short-lifespan, then you need to get it right. Check out the tips below on the right way to care for your jeans.


Step 1. Turn them inside out

To preserve the colour of your jeans, turn them inside out. Doing this would protect the outer part of your jeans from losing its dye. The part exposed is where all the dirt, sweat, environmental grime has accumulated, leading to a bacteria-causing odour.

wash denim jeans

Step 2. Use the right detergent

Be certain you’re using the right detergent. If you have a dark pair of jeans, then use a detergent specifically made for that. If otherwise, do vice-versa. This is one part where one can make mistakes — the use of harsh detergent. Your goal is to get it clean and kill bacteria, not to kill the jeans.


Step 3. Soap up

Get down and clean with the laundry. With a small amount of detergent put into the water, soak up your jeans for about 15-30 minutes. Do this in a large bowl or a bathtub so they don’t squeeze up. You want to preserve your jeans, right?


Step 4. Rinse

Rinse your jeans in clean water. Keep rinsing until the water is clear. Ensure you do not wring them dry, but roll them up and press firmly on them to release the water. Wringing it would only twist and break down the fibres of your denim.


Step 5. Dry

Finally, lay them out to dry. Don’t let it dry under the harsh sunlight as the temperature could cause your jeans to fade. If you notice any lingering odour, soak your jeans in cool water mixed with vinegar. Rinse it the same way as advised, then dry it naturally. The smell of the vinegar would fade away along with the lingering odour.


Every step is very easy to adopt, so don’t bother getting a pen or paper to write. You can if you want to. Also, stay tuned to Plat4om to get your very own access to tips like this.

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