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Another Spontaneous Worship Song Performed By TY Bello And Nosa

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Just last month, June 2019, TY Bello and Nosa released spontaneous worship song, ANCIENT OF DAYS. Recently, they released another serenading worship song yet again. It’s a captivating song that will help you reconnect with God.



With the release of her worship song with Nosa, TY Bello shared this statement:

“You can’t build your Christian walk on someone else’s experience with God…it’s dangerous. For if they fall or disappoint you, the repercussion would literally rip off the carpet from under you. I’ve seen the faith walk of many unfortunately destroyed by this: the reverence for a human being actually blinding them from getting to know the beauty of an intimate walk with God.”


“As I grow, my imperfections are more glaring to me. I’m in no way the perfect match for the infallible Christian I’m very often pressured to be. It terrifies me that anyone may be looking ‘up to’ me in the false impression of this light. I am faaaaaaaaar from perfect (I really should add more “As”) and because I know this, I never put the burden of that on anyone.”


“But here’s my light… I am imperfect, but the light of God upon me brings out better than my best…His. This is the only perfection that I can lay claim to His life in me, fueled by my knowledge and experience of Him. Most times, I’m a literal mess and I’m bound to fall short of what I see in Him but the more I know Him, the more I become like Him.”


“This is REDEMPTION. So as I grow in my walk with Him and He lights me up like a city on a hill, I’m wise enough to know that the more I see Him, the brighter my light. I shine because HE is the pure fire burning in my spirit… So spoiler alert…I will disappoint you but HE NEVER WILL!!!”

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