WhatsApp is adding a chatbot to the platform that will tell you what is new when you update the app. As Android Police points out, the feature is similar to what is available on Telegram and Signal.
Most of the time when an app (or even our device) notifies us of a new update, we rarely notice anything new until after days of using the new version. Sometimes, we stumble upon some features and find ourselves asking if it is new or we have never just seen it before.
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The days of blindly updating WhatsApp is almost at an end. Trackers found the feature under development on WABetaInfo, which makes it likely to see the light of day. For now, we have just a few details of what the feature will bring.
The verified chatbot will give details about new features when you open it as well as frequent tips and tricks that improve your use of the app. Additionally, you will get safety and security updates. However, you cannot reply the bot and thus, cannot reach it for help. Fortunately, the app has other methods for you to get help.
Since WhatsApp has not officially teased it yet, it could mean that this chatbot is at least a month away from launch.
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