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Diseases You Expose Yourself To When You Walk Around Barefooted

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You take off your shoes every time you arrive home and often forget to put on your slip-on. You may have heard that walking with your barefoot can affect your health. But is this really true? The answer is Yes! Walking about without shoes exposes you to different germs and diseases.


So what are the risks do you face if you walk barefooted both at home and in other spaces?

Diseases That Happen When You Walk Without Shoes At Home Or In Public

Fungal infections

If you walk with no shoes on in public places or in the gym, your feet are exposed to bacterial and fungal organisms that can affect your skin and nails.

Nail fungus

It is a condition that occurs when a microscopic fungus enters one or more nails. As it penetrates deeper, it can cause discolouration of the nails, thickening, and modification of the edges.

Heels pain

Your foot contains a thick band of tissue called the plantar fascia, which stretches from the heels to the toes. The task of this tissue is to support the muscles and arch of the foot. Too much stress on this plantar fascia can cause it to stretch too much, resulting in pain and inflammation. When you walk without shoes, this tissue doesn’t have the support, hence the pain.

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There are small skin excretions caused by an infection of the upper layer of the skin. They can develop anywhere on the foot but usually appear in areas where pressure is put on, such as the heel. You can get warts anywhere because they are easily transmissible.


The risks you are exposed to are not so great if you walk on the sand or on the carpet barefooted. Soft footwear is recommended for wearing indoors or at home.


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