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Edit Button May Never Come To Twitter According To Jack Dorsey

The co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey has said that the edit feature may never come to the service. This must be heartbreaking for the over 330 million monthly active users of Twitter.


Jack gave this answer during a video Q&A section on YouTube with WIRED. Twitter users have always been agitating for it to add an edit option since as far back as memory serves. But, their wish may never come as we are hearing.


In the past, the main man behind the creation of the microblogging social service has always dodged the question. He, however, this time gave a blunt answer that we may never be able to edit our Tweets.


Jack’s reason was that it can be used wrongly. He said that people may start to exploit the feature to pass false information and generally misinform other users.


Despite the reply, the CEO of Twitter explained that they had considered a 1 minute to a 30-second window for users to edit their Tweets. However, the service had also put the fact that many people see and retweet in a matter of seconds as well and this may cause issues.

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He also responded to a Tweet asking why the official Twitter handle is not following him by saying:


“I don’t really mind”.


Watch the full video below:



Jack Dorsey also confirmed that he tried to meditate every two hours daily, but that he doesn’t do a Sauna and Ice bath every day. He also says that he eats seven times a day, just dinner.


Another important fact that many people want to know is how to obtain the blue check verification mark. Surprisingly, the Twitter boss said he isn’t in charge of this one. Handles who want to get verified can go to Kayvon (@Kayvz), for verification. They can either DM him or mention him in a Tweet.


Funny enough, Kayvon Beykpour’s Twitter profile denies this.


Kayvon Beykpour Twitter profile


Mentioning Africa, Jack Dorsey said the continent contains many entrepreneurs that people, including Twitter, need to learn from. On the matter of privacy, he cleared the air that the service doesn’t sell user’s data but only matches them with businesses they are likely interested in.


At the beginning of the year, Twitter had made new changes on contents allowed on the platform and other things.


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Onwuasoanya Obinna

A reader of books and stringer of words. Passionate about Science and Tech. When not writing or reading he is surfing the web and Tweeting.

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