According to recent reports, Facebook Inc is no longer letting its app get pre-installed on Huawei phones. This is the latest update in the trade war between China and the United States. Huawei has taken a major hit in the current US ban.
This means that phone users who already have Huawei phones will still be able to use and update their Facebook app. However, new Huawei phones will no longer have a pre-installed WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram app.
Most smartphone makers usually work to have popular apps already pre-installed in their devices. Certain apps actually already come pre-installed on Huawei phones. Some are Twitter, Facebook apps and the app. It is unsure, however, if these other apps will follow in the same route as Facebook.
There have been growing speculations that these trade wars with the US could potentially cause a major decline in Huawei’s growth. The company had a great 2018, gathering massive sales from Europe and Asia.
Google had earlier said that it would no longer provide the Android OS for Huawei phones after the 90-day ban suspension granted by the American government expires in August. For now, though, Google’s Playstore and other Google apps are still available on Huawei phones pending the ban resumption. This caused Huawei to mention that it was currently working on a replacement OS.
However, this new Facebook ban applies to all Huawei phones that are currently in production. It is also worthy to note that new Huawei phones will still have the ability to download Facebook apps from the Playstore. The app will only not come pre-installed like they used to.
Last month, May 2019, America banned its tech companies from supplying technology to Huawei. They believed that Huawei was spying on the United States for the Chinese government. Huawei subsequently denied this and asked the US government to provide evidence of the allegations.