The fit fam journey is an endless one. It takes consistency and perseverance to lose and maintain a very healthy weight. One cannot overemphasise the place of working out in keeping a healthy lifestyle.
The lack of zeal to make the trip to the gym or the lack of a nearby gym has one of the oldest excuses in the book. But now, no more. The fact that you don’t have a gym budget in your salary can no longer hold you back from getting that killer body.
First, it is important to know what exercises you want to do. Be sure to know the areas you want to work on and the best work out required.
1. Get a mirror
Watching yourself exercise will not only give you the gym feel but it will also help you avoid injuries and keep a correct form. This is important if you are working out alone. It is important to see yourself and watch yourself work. It is great motivation to keep going too. Better position for a #FitFam Instagram post.
2. Work with the space you have
Decide on the part of your house you want to turn into your gym. It could be a portion of your living room or bedroom. But if you don’t have the luxury of space, no need to worry! You can just pick workouts that you can do on your couch and floor. You could also use your balcony or somewhere in the building. The important thing is to sweat it out.
Classic exercises like squats, lunges, sit ups and push ups don’t require too much space. Skipping is also an easy exercise you can do anywhere outdoors. It will get your blood pumping and heart rate steady.
3. Buy cheaper options
The point is to get the job done and work out all that extra fat. You don’t need luxury items. The simplest, cheapest items will go a long way. Yoga mats, dumbbells, kettlebells, skipping ropes and resistant bands are affordable online. You don’t need massive equipment. All you need is determination and discipline. Check online stores and go for the cheapest most durable options. It will get you to your goal at the same time.
4. Consider second-hand items
A friend might be looking to discard some gym equipment, or you just found some for sale at the thrift store. You can always pick those up and save yourself some cash. They do the same things. It will also afford you the opportunity to buy higher end and durable brands for less, as long as they are in good condition. You can also buy bigger items like exercise bikes, benches and treadmills.
5. Exercise for free
Lastly, if you are working on a zero budget, then consider ditching buying anything at all. You can check online for exercises like planking, power walking and jogging that only require your body weight. Dancing is also a great way to sweat it out and have fun with it. You should not allow the pressure of fancy equipment to get to you. Use your leggings, tank top and some cheap sneakers. The goal is the goal.
Good luck!