A good number of the female population believes that the v*gina needs a beauty routine of its own. This thereby results in the use of a variety of feminine hygiene products and services such as feminine wash or sprays, douches and waxes. However, the truth is that such products and services are not necessary. The v*gina is self-cleaning, and using those products can cause more harm than good.
According to gynaecologist Donnica Moore, MD, “There is no need for your v*gina to smell like a garden.” It doesn’t need to look like a perfectly groomed garden either.
Some of the most common v*ginal hygiene myths that you should stop believing are stated below.
Myth 1
Remove pubic hair to keep the v*gina and outer genitals clean.
According to a 2016 survey from JAMA Dermatology, most women revealed that they removed pubic hair because it’s “hygienic or cleaner”. But that’s simply not true.
Gynaecologists agree that the removal of pubic hair can cause harm to the pubic area. Leah Millheiser, MD, a gynaecologist, stated, “Women who shave or wax are more prone to skin infection following waxing or shaving. There is no data to show improved genital health with waxing or shaving.” These removal methods can lead to cuts and ingrown hairs, and trying to remove these hairs with tweezers or fingers can lead to infection.
The pubic hair acts as a protective barrier from dirt just like the ear wax acts as a protective barrier for the ear canal. So it’s best to consider before removing it. However, you can tame the hair by trimming it carefully with scissors. This is the healthiest and safest option, Moore told Health magazine.
Myth 2
Douche to keep your v*ginal pH balanced.
Douching is the practice of washing or flushing the v*gina with liquids, typically scented waters, with the aim of cleansing inside the v*gina. V*ginal douches most commonly involve water mixed with vinegar, baking soda or iodine. Some others add herbs to the mix.
According to Mayo Clinic, douching is unnecessary because the v*gina is self-cleaning. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that women avoid the practice of v*ginal douching. Douching can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the v*gina. Furthermore, it can alter the normal pH of the v*gina, leading to an increased risk of v*ginal infections. Also, it can lead to serious infections as it pushes existing bacteria further up into the reproductive tract if an infection is already present in the v*gina.
Moore recommends consulting with your gynaecologist if your v*gina smells more than usual. This is because the problem may require more than a drugstore product. Also, it is important to note that everyone’s v*gina has a unique odour, so having a distinct scent is no cause for alarm.
Myth 3
You need to clean your v*gina with soap.
According to Moore, Soap is not needed to keep the v*gina clean since the v*gina is good at cleaning itself. “You don’t need any special products to cleanse the v*gina in any way unless otherwise stated by your doctor.”
For some people, using a bit of soap can create an imbalance in the v*ginal pH, leading to an infection. The best way to stay clean down there is gently washing the genitals with warm (not hot) water during showers or bath.
Myth 4
V*ginal steaming cleanses the v*gina.
V*ginal steaming is a practice that involves sitting above steaming water to cleanse the v*gina from impurities and enhance its health.
Steaming the v*gina is not a good idea because it is highly possible that you burn yourself. “The v*ginal area is sensitive and these types of burns can be painful and difficult to treat,” says woman health expert Jennifer Wider, M.D.
The steam could upset your v*gina’s natural bacteria production that keeps the v*gina healthy and balanced. Additionally, there’s literally no evidence that steaming your v*gina can help relieve cramps or cleanse anything, says Jessica Shepherd, M.D., a minimally invasive gynaecologist at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas.
In some cases, some women add herbs or scents to the steaming water. This could further irritate the v*gina or make things worse.
Myth 5
Having a clear or white v*ginal discharge means you have an STI.
V*ginal discharge helps to keep the v*gina clean and prevent infection. Most of the time, it is perfectly normal. However, the amount, as well as the odour and colour, can vary depending on the time in your menstrual cycle or the hormones in the body. For example, the discharge when ovulating will be different from when breastfeeding.
However, if it becomes unusual such that the colour or smell is much different from the usual or you feel itching or discomfort in the pubic area, it could be as a result of infection or other conditions. In such cases, it is best to see your doctor.
For the best hygiene when caring for your v*gina, the simplest option is usually the healthiest.