It is important that your makeup brushes are clean. This is because a dirty makeup brush will only heap dirt in your face.
Besides bacteria, brushes also accumulate dead skin cells and oil, which can clog your pores and lead to dull or skin break out.
Clean brushes apply makeup better. Even the best makeup can become streaky and patchy when applied with a dirty brush. Clean bristles will assure a smoother application.
Just as an overload of bacteria can trigger breakouts, it can cause your skin to become irritated. Cleaning your brushes regularly will also keep your brush fibres soft.
Brushes that are used around the eyes should be cleaned at least twice a month, while all others can be washed once a month.
When your brushes are dirty, you’re basically putting all of that bacteria right onto your skin If you find your skin breaking out more than usual, dirty brushes can absolutely be to blame.
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Below are products you can use to clean your makeup brushes:
1. Clarifying shampoo
Add a clarifying shampoo to a bowl of lukewarm water, then swirl each dirty brush around until you have worked up a lather, using your fingers if necessary. Then rinse under a cold tap until all the soap has gone.
2. Unscented soap
Basic, unscented soap is really effective at cleaning makeup tools. Wet your brush, swirl it around on the bar of soap, then rinse it under the tap until the water runs clear.
3. Dishwashing liquid
Dishwashing liquid is quite harsh, which makes it great at s*******g products from makeup brushes. It can be used instead of clarifying or baby shampoo and yields the same great, squeaky-clean results.
4. Olive oil
Dip your brush in olive oil and massage until the caked-on gunk has become soft, then rub the brush on a clean sponge to remove all the makeup. To get rid of any excess oil by washing with detergent or shampoo.
5. Vinegar
In a small bowl, mix two parts warm water to one part vinegar. Gently stir your brushes in the mixture for thirty seconds before rinsing them off with warm water under the tap. Leave the brushes under the tap until the water runs clear. Lay them on a towel to dry.
For concealer and foundation brushes clean at least once a week to prevent a buildup of product. And because these brushes are used on your face, the cleaner, the better.
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