It’s almost impossible to totally avoid stress in our time. From working full-time jobs or running a business, parenting ( if you’ve kids), to trying to survive the pandemic, plunging economies and surge of terrible news from different parts of the world, several vying to take a piece of our mental health.
Stress is one of the major triggers of migraines according to several kinds of research. This is why it’s important to recognize what contributes to your stress and take measures to avoid them.
How stress contributes to migraines
Several factors can be stressors. From work issues, arguments with family or friends, financial responsibilities or even change in hormones whether as a result of your menstrual cycle or response to events; all of these can put a strain on the brain. When the stress becomes too much, the balance brian maintains is tilted. It will then release substances that cause pain as warnings. These substances trigger headaches which build up to migraines. However, some persons are more susceptible to migraines than others due to genetics.
Here are some tips to help reduce stress-related migraines.
Identify your stressors
The first step is identifying your stressors be it fights or arguments with family and partners, work or parenting.
Take a break
Taking several steps back from things that stress you are very important to reducing migraines. Take a social media detox if needed, go on a vacation, have dinner with friends, take a hiking trip. Generally, take time off to do the things that you love and enjoy. This way, your body and mind are relaxed, refreshed and you can come back ready to do life with new energy.
Studies have shown that exercising can reduce the symptoms of conditions like arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes and others.
When you exercise, your brain releases feel-good cannabis-like chemicals (endogenous cannabinoids) that leaves a lingering feeling of wellbeing. Working out also takes your mind off the constant vicious circle of anxiety and you are flooded with endorphins that uplift your mood and spirits. Exercising even if it’s just a quick run, cycling or swimming in the pool can help maintain the balance your brain needs and avoid migraines.
Also read:
–Seven Daily Habits That Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety
–How To Deal With Stress Acne When They Show Up On Your Face
–Eight Ways Stress Shows On Your Skin And What To Do About It
Eat healthily
What we eat can directly impact our stress levels and cause migraines. For instance, while coffee can give you the rush you need to kickstart your morning, it can also make you more excitable and increase your stress levels. Nicotine in cigarettes has also been identified as a stimulant that can have the same effect. The same goes for sodas and sugary beverages.
On the other hand, patients with migraines have recently been cured of it by managing their blood sugar levels with a hypoglycemic diet. This consists of balanced meals of protein, natural carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits in six small meals, or three meals and three snacks per day.
Here are some food suggestions that may help relieve migraines.
- Eat foods rich in carbohydrates like whole grains, sewer potatoes, pasta, etc
- Choose cereals that are free of added sugars, sweetened with honey or fruit juice.
- Intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna, oysters, soybeans, soybean oil, walnuts, and walnut oil
- Eat foods reach in magnesium r like almonds, pecans, walnuts, pollock, mackerel, tuna, kidney beans, brown rice, millet, avocado, yogurt, bananas, dates and Dark chocolate
- Ensure intake of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. vitamins can also help in reducing the effects of migraines and headaches on patients.
- Drink a lot of water. Water keeps you hydrated and aids digestion. When there is not enough water in the body, dehydration occurs. This can lead to migraines.
- Try as much as possible to combine carbohydrates with lots of protein.
Get good sleep
Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of increased stress levels. Not having adequate sleep means you’re not properly rested and relaxed. Lack of sleep can also because the thought of your other stressors crowd your mind before you go to bed. You can’t sleep because your mind is filled with thoughts and you get up in the morning even more stressed; the vicious circle continues.
To break this circle, you must be more intentional about getting good sleep. Make a conscious effort to empty your mind for negative thoughts before you go to bed. You can also mutter words of affirmation before you close your eyes to sleep. Another thing to try is using music, scents, diffusers in your bedroom. Also, avoid screens before bedtime, focus on breathing softly before you fall asleep.
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