We can imagine how fast it took you to click on this because remaining friends with an ex is kind of a big deal. Usually the line, “let’s remain friends”, is uttered with little to no sincerity. But we intend to let you know that getting back into the friend zone with an ex is quite possible, however ironic it may seem.
***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***
If you had a terrible breakup or were involved in an unhealthy relationship, then this isn’t for you. However, if your relationship began with you being friends, was as healthy as healthy can get, and you had a normal-ish breakup, then you can read on with ease. One reason some friends are wary about starting a romantic relationship is that it may be hard to be friends again. It’s true; it can be hard but not impossible.
Before you proceed, let’s be clear: starting off as friends after a breakup might be kind of awkward. We admit we lied about that one, but the fact is “you and that cutey can be friends again.” You can think of that person as cute but chemistry never really dies after a relationship ends, so be careful.
Good relationships are pure diamonds in a rut. Sometimes, it’s more about the friendship you both shared while together so walking away from that can be hard. It would make the breakup even harder for you when you lose that special person. No more late nights binge-watching films; no more film dates; and it’s goodbye to that person guessing what you need before you even ask for it.
So, here are five points dedicated to you who wants to get that ex back as a friend.
Five ways to remain friends with an ex with some awkwardness
1. Take a break
This may seem ironic because that’s what you just did right? Well, by taking a break we mean you should give yourselves some space. After a breakup, that’s the best thing to do. Spend some time on your own, reintroducing yourself to the world. When dating, your identity sort of gets interwoven with your partner’s.
Therefore, you should give yourselves about three months apart. Then you can think deeply about whether you want to remain friends. Would you feel awkward or hurt if your partner started dating again? If your answer is still yes, then friendship might be harder for you. So, spend more time away with distracting activities like a trip.
2. What are your motives?
Why do you want to remain friends with that ex? When people break up, they just want to walk away and move on with their lives. However, some people feel like they are leaving a long lost friend behind. Whereas, others just have some unresolved romantic desires. Or they may need emotional support or just want closure. If your reasons aren’t positive, like just having a friend back, then think again.
3. Reach out
Once your motives are sorted, you can reach out to the person. Get in touch casually and tell them, without pressure, what you want. Let them know you want to remain friends and, if they reject the offer, don’t push and simply move on. But if they are cool with it, then you genuinely have a friend. You can casually send a message to them with, “Hi, hope you good.” Then see if they reply.
4. Meet up in public places
As we pointed out earlier, the chemistry never really dies, so stick to the safe zone. Meet in an open place in broad daylight and in an open place. Staying indoors and at night is just you digging your own pool so you could both soundly swim in it throughout the night. Also, try not to fall back into old habits. You shouldn’t text every time, touch them unnecessarily or even spend the night — remember the pool metaphor.
5. Be a friend, not an ex
Try not to allow your emotions to rule over your mind. When your ex gets into a new relationship, be happy for them. If they like someone, do the same. When you notice your heart is getting to attached and hurt, then you need to take a break. Then start from the top.
Truth is, you can do all of the tips given above and be best friends with your ex. However, you may be stuck in a roller-coaster relationship with that person. Or you may push potentials away. Who really would be okay with their partner being friends with an ex? Would you?