Following the wife battering accusation of Nollywood actor Francis Odega, he has taken to social media to react. Earlier, his wife had alleged that she had undergone years of domestic abuse. Also, his daughter took to social media, begging people to plead on her behalf so her father pays her school fees. The internet went crazy over this news, wondering if it was genuine, especially given the proof of the video shared.
The video showed a shirtless Francis Odega threatening to stab his wife as well as the person behind the camera. In the video, the wife showed her arm where he had allegedly stabbed her. As proof, Francis Odega made a statement about the injury, which he said: “And I say I go chook (stab) you again with knife right now.”
In his response following the video leak, he said his daughter is like his second wife. He also alleged that his wife had defrauded him of N7 million, which they were to use to purchase a property. According to him, he is yet to see it. In addition, he claimed to have purchased cars for her as well in the past.
The ‘Gerroutta’ here actor mentioned how his daughter should be enrolled in a school he can afford. He said “you know how the industry is”, stressing how he wasn’t like the likes of ‘Hush Puppy‘.
After posting the video, which he mentioned he was forced to do, he wrote the following caption:
“For those of you judging me without hearing my own side of the story, this is the little I can say for now. Am ara here…”
Watch the video. below.
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