It’s almost summertime — well, in some other parts of the world, because the truth is that it’s always Summer here. This is most likely why this news will be great for you, especially if you’re not very gym savvy. The rigorous activities of getting the perfect fitfam body are the kind of sacrifice we all hope not to keep doing.
The hardest fat to get off is arguably the one in the midsection. They are difficult to shed, and large bellies never look great on anyone.
The great news here is that there is a new plastic surgery technique that promises to make you love your body. A publication in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal described the new procedure as an alternative to traditional liposuction. The new term, called “abdominal etching”, explains why surgeons have made it possible to reshape belly fat.
In the paper, the doctors explain that a lot of people are unable to get a defined anterior abdominal wall with diet and exercise. They now use liposuction procedures and abdominal etching to achieve high-definition abdominal aesthetics. The technique helps to create what resembles abdominal lines.
The doctors, during the study, recruited 24 women and 26 men who were in good shape and maintained a healthy diet. These people have also been unable to shed stubborn fat around the belly. They then used careful liposuction techniques to sculpt fatty areas into abs.
They instructed the patients to avoid exercise that would strain their actual abdominal muscles for up to four weeks after the procedure. The patients were also able to maintain their fake abs for up to six years after the procedure. None of them reported any severe complications.