In December, ZTE launched the world’s first commercially available smartphone with an under-display camera in markets around the world. The ZTE Axon 20 5G, as it’s called, is a mid-range phone, but has the peculiarity of having a 32MP selfie camera hidden behind a small portion of the screen, and now we have our own review unit to take a look at. ZTE talks a lot about how it achieved this, using a combination of high-transparency materials, a special pixel matrix, AI algorithms, and more.
The display itself is a 6.92-inch panel with fairly minimal bezels all around, since there’s no camera, earpiece, or ambient light sensor on the bezel – it’s all under the display. That panel has a resolution of 2460×1080 and a 90Hz refresh rate.
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– ZTE’s Axon 20 5G To Ship As The First SmartPhone With An Under-Display Camera
In terms of internal specs, the Axon 20 5G comes with a Snapdragon 765G chipset that allows the phone to have 5G support, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of internal storage. It also has a 4,220mAh battery to power the device, and that charges at 30W, which should get you up to 60% in 30 minutes or back to a full battery in 55 minutes.
The ZTE Axon 20 5G is available in markets around the world for $449/€449/£419. While ZTE lists the price in U.S. dollars on its global website, it apparently can’t deliver the phone to North America. You can check out our hands-on video below.
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