Getting flawless skin is no easy task if you constantly battle with acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are the siblings to this annoying skin condition. Therefore, there’s no better time than now to know how to treat it. Although it can be expensive to keep up with the beauty regime lifestyle of spas and whatnot, there are alternatives. Rather than spend an exuberant amount of money, you can apply home remedies to getting rid of your whiteheads of blackheads.
Everyone has or is still dealing with this skin condition. If you haven’t, then kudos to you. Your skin naturally produces oil and releases it through the pores. This is one way to moisturise your skin, and it’s all good and dandy until the bacteria gets in the way. The bacteria thrive on your skin when it gets clogged for some reason, and the oil and sebum begin to accumulate. One area on your face prone to this is your T-zone.
Your T-zone consists of your nose, forehead, chin and some parts of your cheeks. The result of the accumulation of oil leads to the lumpy whiteheads and blackheads that sometimes mock you in front of the mirror. Just when you think they are gone, they bid you hello once again. Fortunately, through this article, you’ll learn how to bid those lumpy stubborn heads farewell.
Home remedies for the removal of whiteheads and blackheads
1. Oatmeal sugar scrub technique
With this mixture, you might be tempted to make some yummy oat instead, but stay focused! Grab yourself the following ingredients.
Now, begin with a facial cleanser and follow up with the scrub technique. Achieve this by mixing all the ingredients together. Then scrub your face with it. Leave on for seven minutes, and then rinse. Gently tap your face with a clean towel or allow it to dry up naturally.
2. Apply natural egg white face mask
Too busy to visit the spa? That’s fine! You can make do with some egg whites. Egg whites are great moisturisers. First, separate the yolk from the egg white and whisk until it becomes frothy. Then apply to your face until it dries off. Finally, rinse your face.
3. Use a wet teabags
Generally, tea is good for your body. What you may not know is that it’s great for the skin as well. The best and only way to enjoy its benefits is to apply when wet. Place it on the affected area or all over your face. Do this as often as once daily to reap the benefits.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is not only natural but also great in curbing blackheads and whiteheads. First, create a paste with it before applying. Then spread all over the face and leave for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and gently tap dry with a clean towel.
5. Apply cider vinegar
This is one product many thought would be good only for consumption. However, that innocent looking apple cider vinegar carries a lot of benefits. One of them is to help rid you of your blackheads or whiteheads. Click here to find out the magic of apple cider vinegar.
If the condition persists after two weeks, then visit your dermatologist.