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How Social Media Can Strengthen Your Relationships

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Relationships are such a huge deal. We thrive on love from relationships with friends and family. Therefore, it is important that we maintain, secure and strengthen these relationships. People are quick to point out the ills of constantly being on the phone. It may be texting while on a date or checking out Instagram feeds while out with family. But it is not all bad news with social media.


The reason for the creation of social networking sites in the first place was to connect people. Facebook was born out of a need to help people connect and make friends on the internet. People from similar phases of life can now get to meet each other and connect. You can reconnect with people from your primary and secondary schools whom you may have lost contact with otherwise. You can also make new friends with similar interest on dating sites and other social networking sites.



These days, however, it is now regarded as a vice. They say social media has ruined relationships and friendships. That has happened, but this piece is about how, instead of using social media to a disadvantage, it can strengthen ties.


When family members are far away in the diaspora, social media is a good way to connect. You can see what they are up to and express love to them with likes and positive comments. On Instagram, you can watch their Instastories and send them a shower of love emojis. Twitter lets you see their wailings and struggles and of course share in the funny stories. It makes it easier to pretty much be a part of their lives virtually.


Life can be very busy. We have work and day-to-day activities that keep us from checking on our friends and acquaintances. Just a little heart emoji under a post or a thoughtful comment can go a long way in showing your friends that you acknowledge them, and they are important. Keeping in touch can be stressful. Having to make constant phone calls or send text messages takes a lot of effort. You can just set a reminder for that. But scrolling through a timeline and running into a selfie or post from a friend you need to check on saves you the trouble of setting an alarm.



It makes networking easier. These days, it is easier to connect with new people, business associates and potential partners on social media. Phone numbers can be somewhat extra personal but, with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat handles, you can make friends with less pressure.


Some people hate having phone conversations, and this works great for them. Never underestimate the impact of sending memes and funny videos to friends and loved ones. It can help mend relationships, end an awkward argument or brighten the mood of a lover who was having a bad day.


There are so many positives to do with social media. People have been able to create awareness and get funds for a project or sick relative. Jobs, spouses, business connections that have changed lives have also been made through social media.

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