It’s one thing to get motivated for a long day at work, and it’s another to do so fashionably.
Admit it, getting ready for work can be a bit disheartening especially on Mondays – apparently the most dreaded day of the week for those in the workforce. We all wish we could become wealthy and live the rest of our lives going on getaways while having baths in millions of naira without worrying about the strain of work.
Unfortunately, this not the reality.
The truth is, the reality of going to work isn’t so bad, provided you do it right. Ever wondered why some people just radiate confidence in the corporate world without even trying?
Here’s a tip.
The key is to look your best and project your efficiency through your evident confidence. When you look good, you feel good, this gives you an instant confidence boost. Try it out!
Life Hack to being Fashionably Work Ready
The first step to being fashionably work ready is to plan your outfit ahead of time. There is nothing like a last minute outfit put together when you’re under stress – the outcome could be ludicrous.
You could ruin your whole day if you end up wearing something creased, or even worse, a mismatched outfit. That’s a fashion blunder, and definitely a no no. In order to avoid this, take out time to plan your work outfit ahead of time.
Next, ensure you find a comfortable balance. You don’t want to appear at work like you’re on a runway with too much skin in display. Also, avoid bland outfits. You shouldn’t excuse yourself with ‘it’s a work outfit, so it should be bland’. The days of the big black suits and mommy heels are over.

Take your fashion game to the next level by carrying out your research on what’s trending in the corporate fashion world.
We’ve also gone to great lengths to compile pictures of fashionably work-ready inspirations just for you.

While these may help, you should also try out your creative prowess.
Surf through your closet and sort out what’s unnecessary. Rid yourself of what won’t work and keep items you can work with, like your wardrobe staples – a work shirt, skirt, pants, heels, dress, etc. Having these handy would enable you easily shop for what you need. Yes! That’s the final hack to being work ready. Get yourself on a wise shopping spree for your professional fashion needs.
Below is a collection of more fashionably work-ready outfits that might inspire you:

A well thought-out work apparel has a tendency of transforming your mood from gloomy to sunny.
Share your work fashion outfit suggestion and we’ll be sure to add it to our archive.