Instead of going through the trouble of getting a new hard drive, you can delete games from your PS4. It is no news that the console’s 500 GB to 1 TB hard drive does not provide enough storage space.
A good way to manage space would be to delete games on the PS4 from time to time. You can always reinstall the deleted games from the disc or PlayStation Network store.
Here is how to delete and reinstall PS4 games.
How to delete from the game
Step 1: Go to the icon for the game that you wish to delete. You can find it on the far right of the utility bar on the PS4 home screen.
Step 2: Press the Options button on the controller to bring up the menu.
Step 3: Scroll down to delete and confirm by selecting OK.
How to delete from the system storage menu
Step 1: List the storage menu games in size order to identify which takes the most space.
Step 2: Navigate to setting on the home screen.
Step 3: Select Storage.
Step 4: Select system storage or Extended Storage if you have an external hard drive attached to the game console.
Step 5: Select Applications.
Step 6: Press options on the controller, then choose Delete.
Step 7: Check the box for as many games as you wish to delete.
Step 8: Now, choose Delete.
Step 9: Confirm by pressing OK.
How to reinstall
Step 1: Go to Library on the home screen, and scroll to Purchased at the bottom. To get a specific game, select the yellow plus symbol located under the Purchased icon.
Step 2: The games on the hard drive that can be re-downloaded will have an arrow that points downward at the bottom right corner of their icons.
Step 3: Press X on the game you will like to reinstall, and then download.