This has definitely happened to you at some point: you enter a room and you forget why you wanted to go into the room, or you start to say something and suddenly you forget it. All these may seem frightening because you start thinking that you are losing your memory. But then, it does happen to everyone. People of all age groups tend to forget things from time to time.
Memory is the capacity to retain information about past events, and the power of recalling previously learned facts, experiences and skills. It is crucial to our daily lives and helps us plan future events.
It is important that we are aware of how our memories work, the changes that occur in them from time to time and how we can improve our memories as we get older.
Most changes in recollection are normal changes in the ageing process or may be caused by temporary or treatable problems.
All age groups have their memory-related problems. Children and teenagers are more likely to forget everything they’ve just been told or taught. Most adults are so busy that they don’t have time to remember everything, while seniors have difficulty remembering names or where they put things.
Not all memories are the same, however. No one has a “perfect” memory. Most of what happens around us is forgotten because there’s no need to remember everything. The brain is bombarded with information all the time. It only processes the information that we need to remember.
How the memory works
To form new memories, information must be changed into a usable form, which occurs through the process known as encoding. Successfully encoded information must be stored in the memory for later use. Much of this stored memory lies outside of our awareness most of the time, except when we are in need of it. The retrieval process allows us to bring stored memories into conscious awareness
The brain also uses senses to record information, this is called Sensory Memory. Sensory memory is very brief — just seconds long. Short Term Memory, however, is a bit longer and can last for about 15-30 seconds. These memories mostly consist of information you just recently saw or heard. In order to remember the same information at a later time, your brain transfers this information to Long Term Memory. Long term memories have no limit on capacity. They are capable of enduring much longer, last days, weeks, months, or even decades.
Although long-term memory always remains intact, it may take a while to find the exact information you want. The brain has to go through the process of finding and pulling out information stored in its long-term memory. This is the Recall process. Most often, we need cues to trigger the recall of certain information.
Factors that affect memory loss
There are several factors that influence how memory functions. It is important to recognise that many memory changes are caused by temporary and treatable conditions that may require medical attention.
1. Inactivity
Much of these problems are related to inactivity. If you don’t keep your brain active, there will be fewer demands on your ability to recall, so it becomes lazy or “rusty”.
2. Sensory problems
Vision and hearing problems decrease your ability to receive information. Therefore, see a doctor to get corrective devices like glasses and hearing aids.
3. Attitude
Our attitudes toward memory changes matter a lot. Being upset and anxious when we forget things creates more anxiety and interferes with the memory process.
4. Medications
Some side effects of drugs can cause memory loss. Altering your medications often helps.
5. Illness
Some illness can cause temporary memory loss.
6. Lifestyle
Your lifestyle affects your memory. Eating a balanced diet is important for the brain to function optimally. Also, excessive alcohol affects memory processes.
7. Depression
Depression may cause withdrawal and disinterest, and this, in turn, can impair your memory.
Ways to improve memory
No matter how great your recollection is, there are probably a few things you can do to make it even better. There are a number of techniques that can help improve recollection.
1. Attention
Attention is one of the major components of memory. You need to actively engage or work on information for it to store as long-term memory. It is best to study in a place free of distractions such as television, music, and other diversions.
2. Conscious selectivity
Be selective about what is important to remember and what is not. This helps to avoid memory overload.
3. Be physically active
Exercise increases blood flow to the brain which enhances the mind and also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
4. Reduce anxiety
Avoid the fear of forgetting, relax and be patient with yourself. Relaxing, through deep breathing, yoga or other relaxation techniques, will improve your attention span and ability to recall.
5. Use mnemonic devices
Mnemonic devices are a technique to aid in recall. A mnemonic is simply a way to remember information. For example, you might associate a term you need to remember with a common item that you are very familiar with. Make up a rhyme, song, or joke to help you remember a specific segment of information.
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6. Be organised
Structure and organise the materials you’re studying. Researchers found that the mind organises information in related clusters. Also, organise your things, put your keys and glasses in designated places, and avoid clutter.
7. Eat a balanced diet
This is essential for your body, and also your brain, to function optimally.
8. Get good sleep
Sleep is important for memory and learning. Research has shown that taking a nap after you learn something new can actually help you learn faster and remember better. Furthermore, a study found that sleeping after learning something new actually leads to physical changes in the brain. When next you’re struggling to learn new information, consider getting a good sleep after you study.