HTC has announced a new blockchain phone called the Exodus 1s. They had released one earlier called the Exodus 1 that costs $699 (₦ 254,000.00). However, this new one is a cheaper version that comes with some important features. One of these features is the full Bitcoin node compatibility.
***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***
The new phone, which will launch soon, will cost around $300 (₦109,000.00). The major feature of the phone is that the Exodus 1s will have full Bitcoin node capabilities.
According to a statement by the HTC decentralised chief officer Phil Chen:
“Full nodes are the most important ingredient in the resilience of the Bitcoin network, and we have lowered the barrier to entry for any person to run a node, which is simply a computer, mobile in our case, participating in a global bitcoin network that propagates transactions and blocks everywhere, which is the foundation and fundamental definition of a peer-to-peer cash system.”
Exodus 1s Blockchain Phone
Exodus 1s will have a copy of Bitcoin’s entire blockchain history and will run a Bitcoin client. This means users will be able to send transactions to the network. This will mean that the phone will create a decentralised Bitcoin network for people to run their own node.
However, this does not come without its own issues. The problem with having a full node on a phone is the fact that the Bitcoin’s blockchain is really huge, and syncing it will take a while. The phone will need to be permanently connected to the internet. If the connection falls behind, it will take a while to sync the blockchain again.
Battery life and data will take most of the hit from all these activities. To address these sort of issues Chen said,
“The full ledger can also be pruned down to approximately 10GB. The phone itself can support the pruned version, but to support the full bitcoin blockchain, the user will have an extra SD card on board.”