Iconic Hollywood actor Antonio Banderas has announced that he has tested positive for Coronavirus. The “Desperado” star took to Twitter on Monday, 10th August, to reveal the state of his health. He also revealed that he would have to spend his 60th birthday in quarantine.
Tweeting in Spanish, he wrote:
“I want to make it public that today on August 10 I am obliged to celebrate my 60th birthday in quarantine after having tested positive for the Covid-19 illness, caused by coronavirus.
Would like to note that I feel 99 relatively well, only a little more tired than usual and I put my faith in recovering as soon as possible following the medical indications which I hope permit me to overcome the infectious process I am suffering and which is affecting so many people around the world.”
“I am using this isolation to read, write, relax, and make some plans to give meaning to my 60 years which I reach full with desire and excitement. A big hug to all,” Antonio Banderas concluded.
Quiero contaros lo siguiente… pic.twitter.com/u579iBVLM0
— Antonio Banderas (@antoniobanderas) August 10, 2020
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He is the latest Hollywood star to announce they have tested positive for coronavirus.after the likes of Tom Hanks and Idris Elba.
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