Infinix has launched InBook X1 Neo in India, targeting college students with its specs and pricing. Gadget360 says the laptop will have a starting price of Rs. 24,990 (about $313) for its 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD variant.
While it is not yet clear if there are other variants to be announced, the one that is already launched is a 14-inch full-HD IPS laptop. It is enclosed in an aluminum alloy metal case.
Although its launch is only a teaser, and its official specs are not yet available, other specs have surfaced online. The InBook X1 Neo will run on Windows 11, and under the hood, an Intel Celeron quad-core N5100 processor powers it.
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Announced in 2021, the chipset clocks between 1.1 and 2.8 GHz speeds and will not be used for hard computing such as mining or heavy rendering. Although, it does come with integrated Intel UHD graphics.
In addition, the laptop has two USB 3.0 ports, two USB Type-C ports, and an HDMI 1.4 port for connectivity. Its selfie cam supports HD video calls, and the PC has DTS audio processing with two microphones.
Likely, another spec that will appeal to students or any other person in a line of work that requires writing would be the backlit keyboard. Also, it can juice up really fast with its 50W fast charging support and its 45W AC charger adapter. The company says it can deliver up to 11 hours of usage on one charge.
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