In a room of a hundred, there’s a possibility of there being a number of introverts. That introvert may not say a word and could be misunderstood as being a snob, weird or ‘the shy type’. Rather, they may just be observing what’s happening around them, and probably wishing they could go home instead.
Now that sounds like something a snob would want to do, but here’s the truth: it takes just a while for an introverted individual to get his social endurance stripped and then they need to recharge all that energy again. They simply need to step away from that stimulus-induced environment. For this reason, Introverts are often misunderstood.
Knowing what makes an introvert tick and how they think is the trick. This would help you understand them better and know that that introverted friend you have is not so complicated. Sure, they may want to hang out some days and the next they aren’t even picking your call. Yes, they may be chatting with you one minute and then seem like they are a million miles away from the next.
Also, they probably find it hard to express themselves when having a conversation but can write a thousand words when asked, “How are you?” It’s the complexity of being an introvert, yet it’s a very less complicated personality when you understand better.
Here are ways introverts think and act that make them seem so complicated.
Introverts aren’t so complicated, and here’s why
1. They simply want to be alone
Now, this is not a matter of locking all the introverts up in a room and discarding the keys. They would just rather be alone even if they can manage a social situation for a while. Introverts are constantly thinking about everything and everyone, so their stimulus is constantly being worked. This intuitiveness could cause them to be insecure about themselves eventually. Therefore, they would like to spend some time alone where they won’t have to worry about anyone else. Why they worry is because of the next point.
2. Introverted people overthink everything
When it comes to overanalysing, they win the prize. While you may say ‘A’, they wonder why you chose to say A of all the alphabets. They also wonder why you said it with such a tone and manner. Then they recall you had said A as well a year ago, and it was said differently. Don’t worry, it’s not that complicated because they simply just think a lot. Their brain is constantly on overdrive and takes a lot of information in. Amazingly, they often worry over nothing – but don’t tell them that or they would overthink things. Why? Find out in the next tip.
3. Introverts are constantly observing
They are staring and watching you and often seem like they are just quiet. Meanwhile, they know your eyes twitch when you lie, or that you have a nice laugh. They have probably observed that there’s a crack in the wall behind you. What’s even more astounding is that they’ve heard everything you said and are listening. Their mind takes its precious time processing things before they say them while extroverts just say what they think instantly. While in a room, they could be there but yet be absent, mentally. The reason why this happens is in the next tip.
4. They can travel out of a room while in it
No, they aren’t witches — don’t get creeped out. They can actually be in a room with you but have their minds wander somewhere else. For instance, they are there wondering if the food they ate last night would still be in the store the next day. Also, they could be wondering why the ant on the floor is alone and not with its family. They’re with you physically but not actually with you. There could be a plethora of reasons why this happens, but we put one in the next tip.
5. Introverts hate talking
While extroverts can work out their lips with any topic of discussion, introverts just want to keep theirs sealed. They hate having small talk and would much rather smile or nod in response. If you want to get an introvert to talk, bring up something topical about the world or life — something meaningful. If they end up not responding as they should, it’s not because they don’t know what to say but because they don’t know how to say it.
6. They don’t know how to express themselves
There’s a lot that goes on in the mind of an introvert, so when there’s a need to voice it out, they actually have to arrange their thoughts before uttering it. For this reason, it might seem like they don’t know what to say. They may often have a hard time explaining their thoughts because it’s just a lot happening in the big factory called the brain. For instance, in an official meeting where everyone is sharing, an introvert is still processing. Then they may have the answer you need but this could happen hours after the meeting. Yes, a delay is not a total denial. Click here to find out how to get your voice heard at meetings.
7. Introverts bruise easily
Just like an egg breaks, an introvert can get his feelings hurt easily. The fact that they overanalyse things and are intuitive are some of the reasons this happens. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be critical, but just do it with a level of care. They want to hear your honest opinion about things even if it would hurt. But share it lovingly.
Now, that’s not so complicated!