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It Is Possible To Change Your Snapchat Name: Here’s How

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Our social media identities are sometimes not a true reflection of our real persona. We can decide what we would like to be called and name ourselves as we like. It is probably a good thing we don’t have a say in what our names would be. More often than not, we start to regret some of our decisions, like the names we chose, and this also applies to Snapchat.


***Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.***


The good thing about social media is that we can make these changes as we like. We can decide we no longer want to go by a particular name. It could be because we outgrew a phase or just have a point to prove. Most times, especially as teenagers, we tend to think of raunchy cheeky names. But as we grow older, we tend to evolve and choose to be taken more seriously, even on social media.


However, when you are joining Snapchat, you want to be more careful about certain decisions. The name you register with as your username is impossible to change so choose wisely. Nonetheless, Snapchat still gives users the liberty to change their display name and that is as good as it gets.

Image: Digital Trends


If your username is that bad, your only option would be to delete the account and start over. However, if your goal is just to change how you appear, then that’s fair enough. This is also what we actually hope to help with.


How to change your Snapchat display name

Whether the app is on an Android device or iPhone, here are the steps to follow:

  • First, you need to open the Snapchat app.
  • Then go to your Profile.
  • Now tap on your profile photo or bitmoji.
  • Then click on the gear or Settings icon to open the settings.
  • Go under My Account and select Name.
  • Proceed to enter the new Snapchat display name you would like to change to.


That’s how easy it is. Meanwhile, keep in mind that because your display name has now changed, it may not be so easy for your contacts on Snapchat to find you. If your intention is to delete your account so that you can start afresh with a new user name, you will need to first deactivate the account.


You can only deactivate the account via the web version of Snapchat. Once deactivated, you can now proceed to begin a new Snapchat journey. It is also worthy to know that once you deactivate a username, it will no longer be available to you for reuse.

Plat4om giveaway: Check the picture at the end for a surprise.

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