Reality TV star Khloé Kardashian and NBA star boyfriend Tristan Thompson have broken again. Friends of the couple exclusively revealed to Page Six that the couple broke up a few weeks ago.“They’re getting along. There is no drama,” a source said, adding that “everything is amicable, and they are on the same page with co-parenting.”
Kardashian, 36, and Thompson, 30, are parents to 3-year-old daughter True.
According to Page Six, the couple split shortly after Instagram model Sydney Chase claimed during an April interview that she hooked up with the NBA player in the fall.
“It was a peek-a-boo d–k, but, baby, it was good,” Chase said on the “No Jumper” podcast when asked about Thompson’s p*nis.
“He told me he was not in a relationship anymore, so I said OK. We talked, we hung out multiple times, we went out together, everything,” she alleged.
Chase claimed she flat-out asked the NBA star who reconciled his relationship with Kardashian, 36, last summer “Are you single?” and he allegedly responded, “Yes.”
“It happened, and then I found out he was not single, and I cut him off,” she said.
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It wouldn’t be the first time Thompson has cheated on the “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” star with an Instagram model. In 2018, he had a steamy night with Lani Blair days before Khloé Kardashian gave birth to their daughter, True.
In 2019, Tristan was involved in another cheating scandal with Kylie Jenner’s now-former best friend, Jordyn Woods. Kardashian first blamed Woods, 23, for the hookup. But after facing backlash, she turned her wrath on Thompson.
In May, Tristan Thompson denied the cheating allegation and took legal action against the podcast on which Sydney Chase claimed they had an affair.
Adam John Grandmaison, the host of the “No Jumper” podcast, and Sydney Chase received a cease-and-desist order from Thompson’s attorney, Marty Singer.
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