Google Chrome now has a dark mode. The new chrome 73 became available to users on 12th March 2019. It also has a few new improvements but is only available on the macOS. Windows users might have to wait a bit for the new features. The release note explains that the windows version is on its way.
The dark mode was first announced for Chrome last month but was not officially released.
When the dark mode is enabled on the computer, Chrome will automatically theme itself to look like the incognito mode but with some changes in the menu bar.
In the past, Google has introduced dark themes, but this is the first time it is official on a system level. This time, Chrome will stick to whatever settings you have it on and stay there.
It does seem like a lot of app updates are tending towards the Dark Mode, very much like WhatsApp’s which was introduced earlier. Twitter’s dark mode has been very popular, and this has probably prompted other app developers to follow suit.
Will a dark mode update for Facebook and Instagram follow suit soon?