Now that WhatsApp will probably be leaving you behind if your phone is old, you have a choice of either getting a new phone compatible with the new updates or you can just explore other options.
But what are your options?
WhatsApp might be the most popular messaging app that you know but there are more. The good thing is they are probably not as buggy or as problematic as WhatsApp. The recent security update of WhatsApp on iOS already has some issues regarding the finger and face recognition.
The incessant group invitation, unwanted fake news broadcasts, and the usual dull green interface are also a few more issues to do with the app. It is also no longer free in some countries after it was bought over by Facebook.
Recently discovered is the GB WhatsApp which is like a more interesting version of WhatsApp.
You are at liberty to do more with it. It is a mod for WhatsApp that was developed by a senior member of the already abandoned WhatsApp Plus team.
It has very interesting features, like the ability to see the message the other party deleted.
An ability to hide last seen for specific contacts only, ability to save any WhatsApp story to the phone, ability to send all files, option to stay online for 24 hours, option to download and change the theme of the app; are among a few things you can do with the app.
It pretty much frees you from all the restrictions of WhatsApp. Last year, the app which originally was only available to Android users can now be used on iOS devices.
Interestingly, the telegram messaging app was banned in Russia over security concerns. Apparently, it was used by terrorist groups to spread propaganda but they have since blocked this channel.
The app was launched back in 2013 and its major advantage is security.
All activities on the app are encrypted, meaning even if they are intercepted, they won’t be visible without being deciphered first.
Some experts, however, believe that this is not entirely true. Also, you have options of customizing your own gifs and emojis and it has a much cooler interface.
Remember that you can also make video calls and chat on your social media messengers; Facebook and Instagram especially. And LinkedIn is coming up with a video streaming service soon.
What other messaging apps do you use?