Rudeboy shared the video for his latest single, the attention-gripping “Audio Money”. The former P-Square member released the video just yesterday, and it has already garnered over 600,000 views on YouTube. Clarence Peters and Jude Okoye shot and directed the video.
The song and video serve as a reflection, a social commentary about how people put up appearances of wealth and glamour on social media.
Rudeboy seems to be basking in the bliss of acquiring Fire Department Inc. He chooses to play firefighter as an ode to his new record company and appears to be putting out the flames of deceit and double-living.
In “Audio Money”, Rudeboy throws shade at all the so-called Instagram celebrities whose online personas do not add up with their real selves. He accuses their money as being something that they talk about but never show, hence the name “Audio Money”. The video ironically features cameo appearances from Shatta Bandle and Nedu, two internet personalities.
Watch the video below:
As hilarious as the video is, the words of Rudeboy ring true when he says, “Why you wan kill yourself?” It highlights how young people feel this pressure to live up to a standard that is not only ridiculous but also unrealistic. Enjoy the video and the song. Also, listen to the message behind it.