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Side Hustle Ideas For Making Extra Cash

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No matter how much we have, it never seems like enough, and that’s why a side hustle is a necessity. Many have come to the realisation that this is one major means to earn extra income. It’s no longer unusual to find someone with a job and good income doing something along the side. Still, there are people who are yet to engage in activities that earn you extra cash.


Certainly, you might wonder how you could create time out from your busy schedule. Or you may wonder why you need to earn more if you already have a salary. No matter how busy you think you all, you aren’t truly ‘busy’. Prioritising is a way in which you sort things according to have you believe they matter. Therefore, if work matters to you most, then you could do anything for that.


Then, in order to strike a work-fun balance, you may socialise a bit. Given this, you simply believe you have a lot on your plate. Whereas, all you need to do is shuffle things here and there to create room.


Therefore, you can get involved in a side hustle by managing your time well. It simply doesn’t take too much of your time after the initial stage of getting things on board. When there’s an operating system, the whole process becomes a smooth sail.


Why you need a side hustle


There’s no amount of money you earn that can ever be enough for your pressing and compiling needs. This is why some people have come to realise the need to have something extra.


Also, if you plan on working for the rest of your life (even beg the boss to extend your retirement because work is oh so fun) then with all pleasure, work work work. However, life is not a smooth sail, and there could be a capsized boat along the way. In case you lose your job, it’s wise to have something to fall back on while you get on your feet with a new job.


Finally, who says it’s not good to have spare cash to spoil yourself with every now and then? You can take care of your health a bit more, go to the spa, go shopping and simply have a swell time with your extra earnings.


Side hustle ideas for making extra cash


Here are ideas you can work on or get inspired by. These are simple-yet-effective side hustle ideas that could earn you some extra cash along the way. Fit them into your schedule by adjusting your life according to a working scale of preference.


1. Delivery business

Sure, you may not have the time to do this yourself, but there are many people looking for job opportunities. Therefore, you can enlist their help to get deliveries done. Although to save extra cash, you can also make some deliveries yourself after work. Spare a couple of hours to achieve this. But if this isn’t your cup of tea, buzz a neighbour or that street boy who rides a bike (okada) to get your deliveries done. You can deliver food, clothes or whatever else anyone needs to be delivered.


2. Blogging

If you enjoy writing, then this is for you. For those who can’t seem to get a break, this can be one way to let loose and still earn money while you’re it. Blogging is like a baby! You need to give birth to an idea by starting it, then you need to cater to it by actually blogging. Google will notice you soon enough, and then you can start cashing out by getting adverts. The more clicks, the more cha-ching!


3. Online shopping

If you’re more business inclined and you love the business of making sales, then get in here. Online shopping is the fastest way to get your business flying. You should first determine what you want to sell, then get your products on an active social media platform (like Instagram). To get the right sales, you need to sell the right product and promote it well. There are a lot of online shopping sites, so yours needs to stand out.


4. Online freelancing

There are many people looking for helpers here and there, and that just might be you. A website like Upwork gives you access to online freelancers, and you can be one of them. Sign up and start freelancing.


5. Become an Uber driver

If you have a car which you tend to leave in the garage on weekends, then find a use for it. You can get someone you trust to use your car on weekdays for Uber or Taxify while you’re at work. Then you can take over on weekends. Use your car for a good cause like a side hustle to fill your pocket with extra cash.


6. Catering

You don’t need to own a five-star hotel to be a caterer. Neither do you need to be a chef to get the ball rolling. Get yourself a good kitchen and a passion for food, then you can start cooking and delivering yummy meals to people. This is a weekend activity, but it can be done on weekdays with extra hands. An advantage to this is that you can also fill your belly while preparing a meal.


7. Modelling

Everyone needs a model these days, and you don’t have to be skinny to be one. You can get online or on social media to search for models needed. Also, you could join a good modelling agency for better management. By getting modelling jobs on weekends, you can earn extra cash and boost your confidence while you’re at it.


8. Gifts

This is one business that’s buoyant these days. You should get yourself a good website and an active social media handle. Also, work on your supplier list for good gifting products, and you can get your business on board. Reach out to your contact and tell them you’re in business for whatever gift or souvenir they want. Your first customer might be your colleague.


9. Babysitting

Are you a child lover? Then you can get all your neighbours to send their kids to you when they want to go on dates. This side hustle is more operative for younger people like students.


10. Cleaning services

If you’re as busy as you believe you are, then more people are as busy as well. Therefore, when you get help it can take a load off that burden. In this case, you should get on board this side hustle. You should get yourself assistance from people looking for a job — there’s always someone. Enlist their help in starting this cleaning business, and get yourself more cash as well as ease the unemployment rate in the country.


11. Get a higher paying job

When all else fails and you still need extra cash, then you should please consider getting a higher paying job.


For career advice, you can see a life coach close to you. 

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